decorating with dodi

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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Spring, Spring

 Yesterday was the PERFECT day to be outside and if you are a gardener, that is where you were probably headed. I held off as long as I could...I really did. I went out to tackle the leaves on the other side of my very large, tree covered yard and before I knew what I was doing, I had the clippers in my hand and I was cutting back ugly, freeze burned leaves and stems. I know I was not supposed to do that until another freeze is not likely (March they say ), but, my phone is telling me we are going to be in the 80s for the next 10 days and that will take us into March. I just couldn't pick up leaves and not start to tackle the rest. Of course, I once again filled up my 6 cans so, after 7 hours out there, I had things looking good enough that I could sit back, put my feet up and enjoy the yard a bit. There is still so much more to do but I am getting there. A lot of the things I am doing will prepare the fence for pressure cleaning so that is coming soon-and, I think I will be happy if it's a little warmer when I do that because no matter how hard I try, I end up drenched!

In any case, I'm tackling indoor chores today so while I'm waiting on some wash, I thought we'd head into the kitchen. Do you see my pretty new kitchen towel that I got in Eustis?

I'm so happy that my green enamelware pot is back. In fact, you will probably see it right there from now until 4th of July comes out because green will go well with all of the decors until then. I love that thing.

And, for whatever reason, I am loving this little vignette. I added the shamrock wreath last year and then I recently found the little shamrock cutting board in HL. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with cutting boards but they always seem to speak to me-loudly. And, I love that you can find them now in all kinds of fun shapes.

Since I haven't found a whole lot of new things for St. Pat's, I've added green candle rings around a lot of things. It just seems to give a cute finishing touch. And, some of them aren't really candle rings-which can be pricey. The greenery here is an old faux vine that I took off of an old gate I bought many years ago. I still use the gate in my spring decor but the vine was getting a bit ragged looking. I was going to throw it out but, since I bought the piece at a trendy little garden shop in Mt. Dora I realized that the faux vine was actually a good quality so I just kind of rolled it up and sprayed it with my silk flower cleaner and it looked like new. Win-win! And then, some others that you will see in the other rooms of the house are actually what they call a flower garland. I found them in the $ Spot at Target. I think they are a little too sparse to be used as a garland but wrapped in a circle they make the perfect ring...and again, more inexpensive than the real thing.

I still laugh every time I look at that picture of my grandson when he was in pre-school. I've told the story before but for anyone who may not have heard it, it bears repeating. He was supposed to represent an Irish gent in his school's international parade. I made him an outfit with knickers and vest and then my daughter got the bowtie, knee socks and tam. The hat was perfect but we didn't need that green hair. We didn't want to cut it off because we use Irish photo props in this family all of the time so we just pushed the hair up into the hat. And, that worked perfectly. He looked exactly like the picture we googled...until one of his friends saw a wisp of green hair and pulled all of the rest of it down. I don't remember why but guests were NOT invited to this parade and so, we had no idea how he looked as he marched until one of the teachers sent this picture! Too funny!

This area got a little change up. Instead of what used to be here, I just brought over the silver dish full of greenery and nestled in a few hats left over from the dough bowl project.

So that is the kitchen for this year. I actually started this post yesterday and then "life" got in the way and I forgot to finish it. I almost did again today as I have been out "tending the lower 40". Lol When I was out there the other day I realized that a LOT of the lattice on the top on my privacy fencing is falling. This is a custom fence that runs the entire 308' across the back of my property and then down the 2 sides. It is a lot of fence and was definitely well built...when it was built many, many years ago. I am actually amazed that it has stood up so well. I have replaced a lot of slats-which is not the easiest job but I can do it. But, when it comes to the 8' posts and adding new lattice, I need some helping hands. And so, until I get them, I've been out there putting on bandaids-just using small nails and trying to salvage what I can. I am the queen of jerry-rigging. Believe me, if I thought hot glue would work I'd be trying that first! It wouldn't be quite as hard as it is except that this year I decided to let the azaleas (that I usually keep trimmed back so no little slithery friends can make a home) grow as they wished. I just wanted to see how they would look. And, they look beautiful but, it is almost impossible to get a ladder in there where you need it...but I digress. Lol

I've got a list a mile long of things that I need to get done today. Tomorrow I'm off for a bunch of errands and then we head to Gainesville for another lacrosse game. Our game on Friday was another win but I didn't get many pictures because we got caught in some unexpected rain and were pretty wet-definitely not picture worthy. But, it was a win none- the -less and the boys were happy!

Hope your weather is as beautiful as ours has been. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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