decorating with dodi

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Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Nearing the Finish Line

 Not much exciting going on today so I thought I would take a few minutes and we can go into the family room. Now that we're officially into February, Valentine's Day will be here before we know it.

I had planned to touch up the glitter on my garland that my mom crocheted for me so many years ago. I haven't gotten to it yet so maybe I just found my afternoon project. Lol

I got out my Valentine clothes and jewelry so I could start wearing them this year and I realized that I had two pins that I loved but, since I am no longer working and not dressing up nearly as much these days, I haven't worn them in awhile. And so, I decided to find somewhere that I could fit them into my decor. The first is a felted heart that my cousin made me and I propped it against the candle in these shelves. I also used the dogwood garland that I thought I was buying for St. Pat's or spring around the red pot. I like the way it breaks up the darkness.

Still one of my all-time favorites. I love those little faces!

So that is the family room for this year. It is pretty during the day but so much prettier at night and even prettier when there is a fire!

And just a quick peek at where I put the other Valentine pin that I had. This one is kind of large. I got it at a Hallmark store back when they carried lots of seasonal and holiday things...heck, back when there even was a Hallmark store because none of the ones I loved shopping in are anywhere to be found any more.

That thing is pretty heavy and if I remember correctly, I could only wear it on a jacket or heavy sweater-neither of which I wear all that often any more. Lol

So that is the tour for today. Thinking I may have a visit from daughter #2 this week and we will get to celebrate her birthday so I am off to make some tentative plans because, if not this week then for sure next. Stay safe and stay tuned.

One last thought. As I was looking for something else, I happened upon a bit of my favorite Valentine fabric left from a project so long ago that I don't even remember what it was...nor, apparently do I still have it! Lol Never-the-less, it is a favorite because it is printed with vintage Valentine postcards and images. I had an idea to make a candle "koozie" and pin the pin onto that. I just cut a piece of fabric, used Fabri-Tac to "hem" the edges and tacked it around the candle. Since I use the red candles for more holidays than just Valentines, it can't be permanent...and the jury is still out whether I like it or not. Time will tell...although it does fit right in sitting next to all of the vintage Valentine cards on that holder.

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