decorating with dodi

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Thursday, February 23, 2023

Along the Way, Life Happens

 "Along the way, life happens". I use this phrase a lot. I don't mean it to be in a bad way-although sometimes that is the case. More often than not I mean it to be that I have something planned or, more often, nothing planned, and then something happens and it goes a completely different way. That is what happened yesterday. As I was sitting in my living room waiting for daughter #3 and her family to pick me up to head to another lacrosse game, my phone rang. It was daughter #1 and she wanted to ask me if she could come for 4-5 days next week-which just so happens to be over my birthday. Looks like we'll have a day trip somewhere-my choice, another day with a lacrosse game and yet another doing some fix-ups around the house and yard...couldn't ask for a better birthday present! Since my birthday falls on a weekday and daughter #3 and hubby are going to be out of town, I just kind of figured it would be a quiet one this year-which would have been perfectly fine with me-lol

And then I hear that daughter #2 will be coming to town on Saturday as well as 2 of my grand daughters...looks like there is a celebration coming whether I'm ready or not. At my age, believe me, it would be OK if birthdays went un-noticed but anytime the family can be together, even partially, I'm all in.

And so with that happening and so many lacrosse games and planning for St. Pat's celebration with the kids, I figured I had better get busy with finishing up the tour. Let's head into the dining room today. Am I the only one who falls completely under "green's" spell? I just think it brings such a sense of calm.

I love this counted cross stitch that I did many years ago when my eyes were a whole lot younger-I only wish I had dated it! Even though I store it carefully, it is starting to "yellow" with age so I know it was done a LONG time ago.

Still love the sequin shamrock the kids and I made a few years ago too.

That is the dining room for this year. There isn't a lot of new things here but it is where I used some of my new Belles of Ireland. I'm so happy that I was able to find more of them this year.

Just a few pictures from last night. We were in Alachua which is a bit north of Gainesville where so much of the family lives so they were all able to come out and cheer on the boys and the team. We got a really late start as one of the referees was stuck in gridlock traffic coming up due to an accident on I-75 where a tractor trailer ran into an overpass crumbling a lot of it to the ground. My son-in-law is our county engineer and he had spent the better part of his day out there. He said it was a nightmare as traffic all had to be re-routed and was backed up over 4 miles. In any case, the show must go on and Trinity Catholic is now 3-0 with another wonderful win under their belts.

And so, life happens...and I'm so glad it does!! Stay safe and stay tuned.

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