decorating with dodi

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Friday, February 10, 2023

Lucky Me!

 I know I've mentioned before how much I love St. Patrick's Day-and the color green-and, just how excited I am looking forward to decorating for the holiday. But, I must admit that my obsession with this holiday is not shared by everyone. Most of the bloggers that I follow go from Valentine's Day straight to Easter. I will admit that sometimes that makes sense when Easter literally falls within a week or so of St. Pat's-and that has happened but I still bit the bullet and switched out my decor more quickly than even I imagined I could.

But, this year, Easter isn't until April so plenty of time to enjoy the wearing of the green! That being said, because so few people decorate for St. Pat's it is very hard to come up with new ideas as no one is addressing it. As always, I have more than enough "stuff" to decorate with no problem but, I like to add new things each year because I get bored with the same things. And so, if I see anyone craft anything remotely close to something I would use, I jump on it. And so, I headed out to grab a few things. And, while I was out, I grabbed my red hots (which are getting harder and harder to find-at least around here) for Valentine's so I can once again make my popcorn, some things we might need when Presley and her BFF (and possibly one or two of her brothers) come over for the weekend and then even some things thinking ahead to Easter. It's usually best to grab things you think you might even remotely need when you see them.

The craft that I saw is a bowl of leprechaun hats and coins. It was done by a primitive crafter and, although I am usually fairly traditional with holiday colors, I am OK with the grungy primitive look occasionally. 

I started by "rusting" up some gold plastic coins. I painted them with a paint as close to a rust color as I had. Then, I gave them a spray with a matte clear sealer and then sprinkled them with cinnamon. When they were dry, I brushed off the excess cinnamon and sprayed them again. They turn very dark after this spray but when they dry they look rusty.

Next I turned my attention to the hats. They are small plastic party hats from HL. I took off the hat bands and then painted them with a moss green. They needed two coats. When that was dry, I grunged them a bit with my antique wax (watered down a little) and then went around the borders with some black ink.


Then I cut some matching felt and covered the bottoms. I forgot pictures but I wrapped some twine around the hats, stuck in little pieces of greenery that kind of resemble shamrocks and made little tags.

I wanted to put them in a dough bowl but I don't have one the right size so I took one of my favorite candles-which just so happens to be in a dough bowl exactly the size I wanted-and covered the candle surface with some dry green moss. I added the hats and coins and I think I like it-although I have no idea where it will find a home just yet. I figure when the holiday is over I can disassemble it and then maybe by next year when I need it again the candle will be burned down and I will have just the right sized bowl!

And so, that was pretty much my day with a few other errands mixed in. I think tomorrow I am going to try to make a sample or two of what I'm thinking of for the kids to make when they're here. Presley is going to help me plan what we're going to do-I'm pretty sure the mint shamrock cake will once again be on the menu because not only is it delicious but the kids love the silly leprechauns on top. We'll have to add one for Olivia.

I'm off to close some windows. It is getting dark outside and we might be getting some much needed rain soon. I'll be back with more. Until then, stay safe and stay tuned.


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