decorating with dodi

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Friday, October 14, 2022

Where Does October Go?

September and October are my favorite months of the year and although I always fill them with super fun things to do, they always seem to go faster than any other months of the year...maybe that's why? This fact was hammered home to me when daughter #1 called yesterday and was filling me in on "our" calendar. I knew she was coming here, flying to the market in High Point and, when she returned, I would be heading off to St. Pete with her...I just didn't realize it was happening so soon. I have a wonderful calendar in my kitchen that I always go to for birthdays, anniversaries, hair appointments, etc. but, for some reason, I'm bad about writing down my other stuff. One of these days I'll find myself with 20 guests at my front door for a party while I'm in an entirely different city. Lol I don't really think I'm that bad but as we speak, I know I have committed to go see the Trans Siberian Orchestra but still don't have it on the calendar...if memory serves, it's in November so I still have time. Ha-ha

In any case, I do know that I am going to a football game tonight. It is Senior Night so we will be heading early for the pre-game festivities but, because I was on the ball yesterday, I'm pretty much good to go so I thought maybe we could head into the kitchen.

I love my jack-o-lantern pot that sits on the stove. I bought him many years ago at a Hallmark Card Shop when they used to carry tons of holiday goodies.

This is where the "Dead and Breakfast" canvas ended up. I thought it worked since we're in the kitchen.

I still love the sign that my youngest grand daughter made for me when when was even younger! And, it's hard to see but the spider votive holder was made for me by another grand daughter when she was young.

So that's the kitchen for this year. I will be back to take you through the rest of the house when I have a chance but, I thought I would give you a glimpse of the pool area where I have added a few pops of orange. Back when everyone would be here for our Halloween extravaganzas, I did lots of decorating in the back yard but since this year we couldn't manage to pull that off ( and believe me, we tried but too many of the family were going to be out of state this year-we'll try again next year ), I just needed a hint of the holiday for when I get a chance to sit out there in the afternoons. 

I'm off to wrap a gift and get the cookies ready to go. Stay safe and stay tuned.



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