decorating with dodi

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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Moving On

 Let's head into the dining room today. Today is the only day this week that I don't have to be somewhere or that I don't have family and friends coming by so, I made myself a list of a few things that need to be done and I'm checking them off but thought I would give myself-and my furry grand dog who is here with me for a week and follows me everywhere-a bit of a break...just enough of a break to get another room tour done. Somehow I have forgotten that I am going to be gone for awhile and when I return Halloween will be over so I had better get cracking!

I still love that spider table runner that I found at Bombay Co. In fact, almost every holiday some of my favorite decor items are from there. I sure wish that store was still around!

I used to have all of my "family" portraits out on the mantle in the family room and I loved that arrangement.

Then, one day I just decided that I needed a change...and they ended up here. I like them here but I'm missing the old frames hanging willy nilly...maybe next year I will see what I can do about that.

So that is it for this year's dining room. I did go find the old frames I used with the photo gallery and thought I could just pop in a few nails, hang the wreaths and see what I thought but, as so often happens with me, one thing led to another. The wood on the dining room cupboards is HARD. I couldn't get a small nail to even begin to go into it. And so, I was off to do what I often do in that instances. I grabbed my Dremel and was going to drill a small starter hole. But, the battery on the Dremel finally needed charging. I almost charged it the last time I was using it but, they usually say to wait until the battery completely dies before charging. And so now it has. Lol And so, I guess I will let you know how I like it the next time we meet.

Last night was grandson #2's last football game for this season. Our JV doesn't go on to play offs so the season is done but they went out with a 5-1 record so they're all thrilled. And I am very proud of my grandson. He is a lot like his brother and he plays hard. Mother Nature co-operated and it was a beautiful evening all around. And, to add the cherry on top, as he was in the bleachers watching his younger brother, grandson #1 got a call. He stepped away for a few minutes and when he returned he told us it was a college football coach offering him a full scholarship. We were all just so happy for him because he is just a great kid and super active in sports, his youth group, his student government (he's student body president ), a number of clubs and groups at school as well as honor society and on the honor roll. I don't know how he does it but he always still has time left over for family and a girlfriend. Lol If he decides that this is where he will be the happiest, I will share the school he has chosen. We all sure had more than enough reason to be smiling in this picture last night.

I'm off to check some more things off my list...if I could just keep from getting side tracked so often and ending up doing things that I had no intention of ever doing. Stay safe and stay tuned.



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