decorating with dodi

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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Looking Ahead

OK. I waited as long as I possibly could. I just had to do it. Since I will be out of town pretty much the rest of the week and then Valentine's Day will be right behind my return-sort of-I can't help but start thinking of St. Patrick's Day.

I saw this idea on a craft site that I follow. I can take absolutely no credit for it but I don't know who posted it so I can't give any credit either.

I will say that all supplies are from the Dollar Tree and I could and actually have walked by these supplies a few times and NEVER would this idea have come to me. I don't know why I was drawn to it because this is not something I would usually find myself doing but, for whatever reason, I loved it. Seriously just a few steps.

All you need is a wood pot o'gold, St. Pat's hanging sign and two kinds of table "scatter"

I painted the pot black and went ahead and did the coins in gold just in case any of the base showed through. It actually did on the one I saw and I wasn't a fan of that so I pretty much did a solid base of the gold plastic coins before I added the others.

I disassembled the sign-which was super easy as it was just held together with tape. The words got glued on the front of the pot.

Then, the legs got glued diving in. After that it was a simple matter-and a LOT of hot glue-of covering the top of the pot with the treasure. In places where the coins didn't fit correctly, I added some of the shamrocks that were included in the scatter.

And honestly, that is it! It is almost embarrassing to post this as a craft but I just love it so much! I do have the hat left over so we shall have to see if there isn't some way to incorporate that into my decor as well-waste not, want not. Lol Stay tuned.

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