decorating with dodi

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Friday, June 7, 2019

Moving Along

I spent most of yesterday running errands and picking up supplies so I could get a few more little things off of my to-do list. I don't know why things don't bother me (sometimes for years) until they do! That seems to be how this week is going so I thought I would squeeze in a few more pictures between a number of little projects today.

We'll start with the porch that is about as photo ready as it will be for awhile. Last year I lucked into large red, white and blue flower baskets all ready to go. This year, Lowes wasn't quite as generous-at least not yet-so I had to buy individual plants and pot my own. Some of the colors I could only find in the smaller sizes so it may be a bit before they reach their fullest.

Come on in where it is a bit cooler and let's head to the kitchen.

As I look at this picture, I think I see another project looming large. I love the fabric on the bar stools - which is also on the little covering on the leg space on the other side of this bar. It was once a desk that we never sat at so I filled it with more storage shelves and covered it - but it definitely was more geared to the tone of this room when it was painted red. I just really have never noticed it since I painted...and that has been at least a few years. Not sure which direction I will want to go, but go I will. Add another line to the to-do list!

If you're looking carefully, you will see that the large round tray with stars in the photo above was once under the bowl in the photo below. When I was posting these pictures I realized that I did not like the large empty expanse behind the plate and pot so I moved the tray that I just grabbed at WalMart up and like it so much more. I tend to grab plastic trays and serving items because I'm never sure where we will end up celebrating or what goodies I might be asked to make. This way, I am always prepared!

This was just a silly craft I made on a whim one day when I just had the urge to make something. That being said, I like it as much as some of the really complicated things I have done.

So that is the kitchen for this year. I will say that I haven't really been out and about in the stores that carry a lot of holiday items, so once I get there, things may change. I'll keep you up to date - lol. I'm off to re-paint a portion of my TV armoire in the family room. When I painted it oh so many years ago, it had doors that we closed to hide the TV when it wasn't in use. Fast forward to my husband buying a TV too large to fit in with the doors there so I had to remove them. I then painted the area inside as well but somehow used a flat paint instead of the satin I guess I had used everywhere else. For all of these years, every time I was dusting out there, the area in the middle looked like it was still covered in dust because of the flat paint. It bothered me a bit but not enough to do anything...until the other day when I knew I had to get on it...and so I am! There are sure to be more exciting days like this coming soon - Lol Stay tuned.

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