decorating with dodi

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Sunday, June 9, 2019

Let There Be Light?

It looks like it might be another rainy day so I am finding myself wandering the house looking for any possible thing I might enjoy doing. As I have posted before, when it is dark and dreary outside, I have a hard time doing anything that involves new paint or cleaning because it just never looks fresh and bright in the shadow of the dark clouds!

And so, as I was walking through the dining room on way way into my office I noticed how really dark it was looking. I knew I had more 4th of July string lights that I had chosen not to use in an effort to "simplify". I was good with that decision...until I wasn't! With all of the glitter of the holiday from fireworks and sparklers, this room was just not representing. And so, after a quick trip to the garage...let there be light!!

Without a tripod, I can never get an actual night shot...which is what this room feels like right now...but you get the idea. To be (lit) or not to be (lit)...that is the question!?

Since we're here, let's take a quick peek at the sunroom and guest bath.

I still love the tall Uncle Sam the kids and I made one year. It was so simple that even Hudson and Presley could do all of the painting themselves and I love how they each made their own face!

I needed a few more 4th of July pillows and didn't want to spend a lot because I might have another plan up my sleeve, I grabbed these 2 outdoor pillows at Wal-Mart the other day. Their quality isn't great but they serve the purpose here for now and then I will move them outside when I have a replacement. They were only $5 each so no worries if they get wet and soggy in all of our liquid sunshine!

So that's it for today. I have accomplished every small task I could think of and it is still raining so it might be time to put on a movie. Stay tuned.

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