decorating with dodi

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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

I'm Seeing Red...

...and white and blue! I couldn't wait a minute longer. My spring decor is probably my least favorite of the whole year and I was ready for a change. And, since July 4 comes so early in the month and I like at least a full month of any decor theme, I am right about on time-at least I will be by the time I get this job finished!

So, without further ado, let's start at the beginning-the living room. If I were to be perfectly correct, we should always start at the front door and porch but I haven't had a chance to get my red, white and blue flowers just yet so we will come back to that another day.

I normally use my silver and red mercury glass candle holders here but, for some reason this year, I wasn't "feeling" them so I stayed with my weathered ones that were here for spring.

I still enjoy using all of the vintage inspired things I made so many years ago when they were all the rage. I don't see much of it any more but when I do, you can be sure I will be stealing copying the idea. I just realized that I don't have any new 4th craft ideas (with the exception of the paint stirrer star) for this year so I better get myself to Pinterest soon!

I love how kids say the darndest things. My grandson asked me why I had the Declaration of Independence in the vintage typewriter since it was obviously written by hand! Guess I'll claim "designer's license"!

I really still love the flag holder that was inspired by Martha Stewart. I had had that idea ripped out of her magazine for awhile but when I went to buy the ball feet to use, they were more expensive than I wanted since I was making so many of these. I kind of filed it in my brain and one year when we were at the Fancy Flea, there was a huge barrel full of antique ball feet. The only other thing I needed was my trusty chop saw to cut up the pieces of 4X4 I had in the garage as well as the trim pieces. They made a pretty impressive gift that year and they were fun to make!

I made this flag Pledge of Allegiance many years ago and it took me until just the past year or two to realize that I had spelled "allegiance" without the "i"...and no one pointed it out to me either...either they didn't read it or they didn't know how to spell it either-Lol. In any case, if you look real closely (right under the smeary finger print-lol), you will see where I squeezed that "i" in there. This was just an inexpensive flag that I tea dyed and then wrote the pledge on the white stripes.

The flag pillow covers were another year's gifts. I copied the idea from PB and mine were definitely less expensive!

I just realized that I sure do do a lot of "borrowing" of ideas. I saw this banner in a Bethany Lowe ad. It was a bit of a bear to make but well worth it as I have used it for more years than I can count.

The little framed flag was also so simple. I downloaded it all from a blog tutorial and then all I had to do was assemble and frame.

I love how this guy looks so much like the Uncle Sam on the vintage image.

I just realized that everything in this vignette with the exception of the downloaded picture of the girl that I framed came from my favorite store in Micanopy, "The Shoppe". This store is jam packed full of treasures but their seasonal and holiday items are unbelievable! I always find something when I visit!

That is the living room for this year. Wish I had more pictures to share but today I basically spent the day un-doing one of my most recent projects. If you recall, I recently painted my front door, shutters and garage door. It was a doozy project as our heat was already starting to creep in and, since I was NOT going to put on 2 coats, I bought really good paint and put on a nice, thick coat. And, I was so proud of myself with how great it looked.

Fast forward to opening the garage door and I realized that I "might" have painted together each of the 4 sections of door. I used a heavy blade to try to coax it apart and when I pushed the remote, it pulled for a moment and then broke loose...yay me. Or so I thought until the door began acting weird and I realized that when the door recoiled, it bent the track.

I finally called a repairman out and he informed me that he could not just replace the track-it would be all or nothing...but, he would try to just bend it back for me. It actually bent a little too easily so we shall see how long it lasts.

But then, he told me I had created a monster by getting the paint between the sections. The heat we have been having actually keeps melting the paint together and the sticking and recoiling problem will continue.

He did have a $75 vial of lubricant he could use but said it would probably keep happening any way so I politely said "no" and have spent the next many hours scraping paint off between the sections and then sanding and lubricating. He told me Vaseline may work but since I didn't have any, I used Vapor Rub instead...we shall see. Lol And, of course, my beautiful, smooth, solid coat of paint now has bits of aluminum showing through. So much for trying for perfection!

I'm off to a berry and flower farm tomorrow but hope to be back soon with the next part of our tour. Stay tuned. And, if you live anywhere near me, stay cool!!

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