decorating with dodi

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Monday, February 17, 2025

Momma Said...

 It's just "one" of those days! I have been decorating for St. Pat's for two days now and pretty much have everything out and was making my plan of action for putting all of the Valentine stuff away when I got a message from daughter #3. She was in one of her cleaning and purging moods at her house and asked me if I would like a PB cabinet she has had in her house in one form or another for awhile. Since I was in the throes of trying to find more storage in my house for all of my "stuff", I couldn't say no. I'm like the "Mikey" of my family...just ask Nana, she'll take anything! Lol

And before I knew what was happening, my son-in-law was in my driveway with said cabinet. I really didn't have any idea where it was going to go but there was a smaller cabinet in daughter #2's old room that would be easy to move right now so that is what we did. That cabinet went to the sunroom and the "new" one was put in place. 

Of course, there was the remainder of our old intercom system behind it so it wouldn't fit close to the wall-which, we all know, would drive me crazy so in a flash this morning, I disconnected that. Of course, that left a hole in the wall that I knew I wouldn't be able to address correctly for some time so I started mixing up some paint-unfortunately there is none of this old paint left over-and the adventure began. I don't think I would have had the trouble I had if I had had the correct colors of paint to start with but I didn't. And so, it pretty much took the whole morning of mixing, testing, mixing again, etc. I was starting to get really frustrated until I remembered to add in some black and it took me to the color but it still keeps drying too dark.

I actually put a piece of clear contact paper over the hole and just started painting. I'm getting closer but it still keeps drying a little too dark. I have used every bit of white paint I have and it is still too dark so I have left this project for now and will figure it out later. At least I can get all of the stuff that was taken out of the old cabinet into this one so when my daughter and grand daughter arrive next week the bed will be usable!

Of course, each time I try the paint I go a bit larger than the time before so I might as well just go buy some paint and redo the whole room. Lol

There is actually SO much to do around here but, I am off to another lacrosse game tonight. At least this one is a home game. If you had told me just four years ago that I would be watching as many as six lacrosse games a week, I would have laughed. I don't think I really even knew anything about the game back then but, that is where I am right now.

Presley had her first scrimmage game a week ago here in Ocala. It is the first year of girls' lacrosse at her high school and she and two others are the only ones who have ever played before-all of the other girls are brand new. Presley got to play at another local high school last year since her school didn't offer lacrosse and that year definitely made a difference for her. She has scored in every game-3 goals in the last one. The team is starting to come together. They know it will be hard but they are doing better each game so we shall see how the year goes...and then next year will be even better!

So, with all of that being said, my plans for Valentine's Day changed in a blink. Daughter #3 decided to take the day off and invited me to go down to Winter Park with her and have an early dinner before heading into Orlando for Presley's game down there. And, as usually happens with this daughter, the adventure began. On the way, we decided to make a detour to Eustis to our favorite shop.

It was really crowded so taking pictures wasn't easy but suffice it to say, it was decked out and ready for every spring holiday and then some!

Then we were off to Winter Park again when we passed a side road to Mt. Dora and decided to make another detour-until we missed our turnoff because both of us travel by landmarks and things have changed so much that our landmarks were gone-and ended up kind of back where we started. At this point, we decided to just get on to Winter Park so that we could have a nice leisurely lunch before having to get into heavy Friday night Orlando traffic!

I used to go to Winter Park a lot and almost always ate at the same restaurant. Jen liked it also so we dcided that was where we would head. I guess it's been awhile since either of us have been down there as the menu was totally different and the prices were really high. That being said, we both saw something that sounded good and we were hungry so we ordered. I had a fried rock shrimp po'boy and broke down and got the fires as a side. That thing was so delicious and, I must say, worth every penny!

About the only remnant of the old restaurant was this:

Since we felt bad being there while Presley had to ride down on the school's bus, we got her a slice of the chocolate cake. That thing must have weighed two pounds!

Then we were off to Lake Nona.

It was a beautiful evening and the girls didn't win but they played well...and Presley scored three times!

Saturday I started my decor swap but then stopped at noon to watch my grandson's college lacrosse game. They were playing at SUNY and as the game wore on the snow began. Harrison said it was a bit "chilly". Even though they didn't take the win, the game was exciting and close!

And now here I am ready for another game tonight. Since the boys' team and the girls' team don't play in the same place at the same time we can't be in two places at once so I guess the only games I will see for my youngest grandson will be his home games. It's fun but it is a long, busy season!

I am off to try yet another lighter coat of paint...fingers crossed! I will leave you with a little sneak peek of St. Pat's and hopefully will be back soon. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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