decorating with dodi

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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Everything Happens for a Reason

 I feel the need to post a spoiler alert. Unless you are a member of my family or a close friend who might actually care, you might want to skip this post-no decor or crafting anywhere near this one. Lol I have been missing for awhile...but then I knew I would be because I had a busy few days planned. As it turned out, a few of those days played out a little differently than initially planned. But, in the end, all is well and everything happened for a reason-although I sure wouldn't have believed it while I was in the middle of it.

I started my "fun" long weekend last Thursday. I had my day all planned. I would run some errands where I would pick up some craft supplies and some decor things for the house and then grab some groceries before coming home and begin watching the new drop of "Sweet Magnolias". The weather was perfect and I was having the best time-until I wasn't. I will take most of the blame for what happened yet, if the world only had honest people, it wouldn't have even happened at all.

My last stop before the grocery store was Walmart...not always a favorite of mine but sometimes they have things I can't find anywhere else. Now I always carry a fairly large, heavy purse with me-that's the old G.S. coming out-I need to be prepared for anything. And, I almost always put it in the child seat part of the cart-which is exactly what I did that day. I had a delightful conversation with the young man checking me out and then I headed to leave. Now, I always park and check out down by the garden area. I came in that way but the register was closed as I was leaving so I had to check out at the total other end of the store. As I pushed the cart into the vestibule, there was a man mumbling out loud, looking back at me and then talking louder and, I will admit, he made me a bit uncomfortable...and so, I had my keys in my hand, grabbed my bag and quickly headed all the way back to my car. It wasn't until I was there that I realized that I had left my purse in the cart! I "ran" back as quickly as my 77 year old legs would move but, of course, no purse.

I will say, I don't think I have ever felt as helpless and vulnerable in my entire life. I will abbreviate everything that happened next because it all took many hours but, after finally determining that it hadn't been turned in and not having any of my family's phone numbers committed to memory any more-the funny thing is that I do have a written list of them all in my wallet in case I ever lost my phone-I headed to my daughter's office in a panic.

My the grace of God, she was there and not out at a client's or doing an install. We started canceling the things I could remember and then got a call from my son-in-law-who had been sent out to Walmart to make a report-that someone had finally turned in the purse-minus the cash and my phone. That in itself was a blessing because I had my driving glasses, driver's license, social security card, and lots of other stuff I guess I shouldn't have in that purse. But, losing the phone was a bit of a nightmare.

Again, long story but, since I had to get a new phone I decided to switch to an iPhone (since every other person in my family has one and has been telling me for years that it would be easier for all if I had one too) and, as luck would have it, daughter #1 was just given an offer to receive a new iPhone 16 plus for free with only $.38 added to her account each month if she added a fourth to her account. The only problem was that since I was already a Verizon customer, I had to get a new number. And that meant that my contacts and text messages wouldn't transfer over-although, thankfully, all of my photos and emails did!

There is a lot more to the story but suffice it to say I got the new phone the next day, grandson #2 came over and helped me a bit with the navigating and I am up and running-well, walking-again. I have been an android user ever since my first cell phone and honestly, buying everything at Verizon, I never had anything but a black or red phone and my phone case choices were BLACK. And so, this time when my daughter asked what color I wanted, I chose teal...and I love it. I knew I needed a case but I didn't want to cover the pretty color so when I spied a glittery clear case at Target, I was sold! Isn't she a beauty? And, she really looks so much prettier in person.

And so, now that I lived through that, everything is really better than it started-except that I'm still trying to remember all of the people who need to know I have a new number but...I guess everything happens for a reason. 

My brother and sister-in-law spent some extra time with me, we had a nice meal out at Carrabba's, went to Presley's lacrosse scrimmage-where she scored a killer goal-, went to my brother's race early Saturday morning at the Silver Springs State Park-where he won first place in his division-and got lots of little chores completed at my house that afternoon. And, I had a nice visit with grandson #2 while he coached me on my new phone. AND, I got to finally start watching the new episodes of "Sweet Magnolias" on Sunday with my feet up, a glass of wine and all of the chaos behind me.

I am still learning the iPhone-it has a number of differences and I used an android for so long it will take me a bit to unlearn everything but I am loving it-and my family who all pulled together to get me out of this mess that, let's face it, I created. The only reason I posted this is because this blog also serves as my personal journal and I figured this little adventure needed to be journaled. The next time I'm back I'll be back to decor and crafts-I promise. Unless something happens, I will be switching out Valentines for St. Pat's starting early on Saturday morning! Stay safe and stay tuned.

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