decorating with dodi

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Thursday, July 27, 2023

Finished-For Now

 I always dislike it when people post a project before it is finished and proceed to tell you what they still need to do. I always wonder why they don't just wait until it IS finished to post. But, today, I find myself in their shoes. I am posting the project I shared with you yesterday now that it is dry and finished-almost. The plan is to put some dried "something" there in place of the borrowed (from my bathroom bucket) eucalyptus. I would love to find dried sweet Annie but not sure I will be able to. In my thinking, anything dried will lend to the spooky feel. And then, those of you who know me know my UTTER DISLIKE for Spanish moss. Living in Florida, it is the bane of my existence. I go to great lengths to keep it out of any of my landscaping-which, is almost impossible. It is truly a wonder that there was actually some hanging around that I could get my hands on for this picture.

All of that being said, I have shared that the only time I do use it a bit is for Halloween. And so, this project calls for it. But, as soon as this photo shoot is over, the "real" stuff will be in the garbage and I will need to buy a package of treated moss. I know I can put this stuff in my oven to kill whatever might be living there but that creeps me out even more than the moss itself. Lol

And then, I guess I will be on the lookout for another timer candle. I happen to have this one but it already has a designated home once Halloween arrives so it is just visiting for the photo as well.

With all of that being said, you are probably wondering why I don't just get into my car and jet to HL. But, I think I have shared before that my grand dog is staying with me again and I just don't have the heart to leave her alone. She loves being here and totally fits right in but, she is a bit of a nervous Nellie and she's already away from her home. I just don't can't bear to look into those eyes as I leave her here alone. Anywhere I go the next 5 days, will be somewhere she can come along. And so, the shopping trip is postponed until then but I wanted to get this wrapped least for now. And so, here we are. I think I might add a few more "spooky" elements when I bring it out and decide where it will hang.

As I look at this picture, I'm wondering what it might look like with a few spider webs drawn on the body of the stocking by the "BOO". Hmmmm?

I think I am actually going to try a Christmas craft this afternoon-still not my traditional yearly ornament because I am still coming up blank on ideas for that. How about before I do we finish up the late summer decor tour? All I have left are the bathrooms.

I just realized how closely that little pot of vines resembles the topiary in the picture-serendipity. Lol

And, as always, just a nod in the main bath so it can still function without things having to be moved. Even though I have lots of storage in this room, when all of the stuff comes out that it takes to make me "beautiful"-LOL-I do need lots of space!

So that is it for my summer decor, Next will be autumn-but, unfortunately, that is probably about three weeks down the road. Not sure what all I will be doing until then but I'll bet I can find something to share. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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