decorating with dodi

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Monday, June 5, 2023

"Why, WiFi?"

Anyone reading this knows that I am a DINOSAUR! I am terrible at technology! And, we all know the reasons. Technology was introduced WELL into my many years of life. I may not be the smartest person in the world but, I think I'm far from the dumbest.

My girls don't like to hear me say that I am not good with technology-mostly when I am asking for some sort of help. They use the fact that I know how to navigate a blog as proof that I am not as "dumb" as they think I am trying to act. But, the real truth is that once I am shown something and have a chance to get my hands on it, I can do what I have learned. That being said, that doesn't mean that I know enough to understand the workings behind things. In fact, I don't really even know the terminology or what those terms mean. If I haven't dealt with it, I probably don't have a clue.

So that leads me to this post. It is all an excuse for why I did what I did...but we'll get to that in a minute!

Let's go back to Saturday morning when I received a text from Cox telling me that I had already used up 75% of my data for my time period. Well, first of all I NEVER thought about data usage on WiFi. It just never entered my mind. And, I had no idea when my time period ran. And so, I do what I always do when something like this happens...I call my brother and sister-in-law because they either know the answer or they know how to find it. My sister-in-law called me back very quickly and filled me in on what she knew and what she had found out. It seems that there is a limited amount of data on my plan and I guess Cox was trying to get me to sign on for unlimited because they failed to tell me that my time period had ended the day before I got the text-so, no way I would go over this time. Maybe they were just trying to be nice-but, after my more than 50 years of constant trouble with Cox, I'm really just being too nice when I go there. Lol

In any case, I now know that I do have a limit...and so, I set out to try to do better for my next time period. Except that I also learned that there is data use in my house almost every minute of the day. If it's not the TV streaming, it's my computer, Facebook, even my music on my wireless speaker that I have with me when I am in the yard working or sitting outside just enjoying. 

And so, I set out on Sunday to do something with NO data usage. That also meant no perusing Pinterest for ideas. I found another image I had already printed but didn't really have anything to put it on and it was just to hot to drag out the miter saw, find some old wood, cut it up and make a pallet. About then, I spied an old piece of fiberboard that was left over after I pulled something off of the front of it for another project-I have no clue what it once was but, the size was right even if it wasn't my first choice.

And so I set out for a WiFi free day. I pretty much did the usual. Paint the background, rip the edges of the image, ModPodge the image to the board and "distress with antique wax.

And then that brought me to the inevitable question...where will it go? And so, I walked around for a bit and just kind of gave up and leaned it by the soaps in the kitchen...and called it a day-although there really was still a lot of the day to try to fill-minus technology-and it was just too hot and yucky to be outside so, a good book seemed to be the answer for a bit more of the afternoon.

And then I woke up this morning and headed to the kitchen for my coffee and had a bit of a serendipity moment. I realized that the print looked good where it was. There was enough distressing on the jug and wooden tray to mimic the image and...

...if you really stretch your imagination, the flowers and pots on the image kind of mimic the ones in the window, right? Do you see it? Look really hard!

In any case, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I'm off to do a bit of edging before it gets brutal out there again. Daughter #3 said to make a list because the kids want one more "work day" at Nana's before Har heads off to the Academy, so I need to get on that right away too before the offer goes away. Lol Stay safe and stay tuned.


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