decorating with dodi

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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Lazy Summer Day

There is no denying that summer is here. It is hot and still and, unless you are involved in some sort of water fun, it is just not comfortable out there. This is about the time of year that if I am working outside, I am probably walking into my pool-fully dressed-every half hour or so. I just try to make sure I only do this when I'm not expecting to bump into the lawn guy or pool guy or whoever. Lol

In any case, I spent my morning running errands and I am ready to just sit down, put my feet up and have some lunch but I thought I would take you to the sunroom first. Once again, just a nod to the holiday except in the TV unit which is once again full of holiday photos.

I did this arrangement in a different box this year...not really by design. I usually put it in an old wood box that I bought many years ago at the huge country craft show that used to be held at the State Fairgrounds in Tampa. I loved that show and used to come home with a car-full of treasures every time I went. I actually don't even know if the show exists any more but I sure did love it for many years. Sometimes I went with friends, sometimes my daughter from St. Pete would meet me there and other times my husband came along. I used to get a kick out of him-every time-shaking his head and laughing and asking "what is wrong with this picture? We sit in line to pay to park our car then stand in line to pay to get into the building just for you to spend tons of more money". He actually loved it as much as I did and usually encouraged me to buy more than even I was going to. Lol

In any case, I have used that box for years but, for whatever reason, I could not find it anywhere...and, believe me I looked. I'm betting that I am using it somewhere else and just not seeing it but, just as I was about to relent and put the arrangement into a tin container, I spied this old dresser drawer that I found at an antique store so many years ago. I used to use it as a riser but it has been on a shelf in the garage for a long time. I grabbed it, cleaned it up a bit and, truth be told, I like it more than the white one. Serendipity!

And, I still love the simple Uncle Sam I made with my youngest grand children awhile ago. The FB memory just came in of Presley as she was painting hers and she gave it just the cutest little face.


And, of course, the TV unit full of years and years of wonderful 4th of July parties in many different cities. And, also the painting of the soldier that Presley made for me after spending a weekend here and helping me decorate. She was so proud of that painting when she gave it to me and I think she feels the same way every year when she sees it still out on display.

So, that's the sunroom-simple but easy to use the table and chairs when we want to as opposed to almost every other surface in this house that is FULL of STUFF. Lol Lunch is calling but I will be back. Stay safe and stay tuned.


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