decorating with dodi

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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

While I Wait

There are big doings going on in my kitchen...well, not really BIG doings but doings never-the-less.  The last time I changed out my sink-and yes, I have changed it a number of times-I had a new faucet installed and it was a faucet "of the times". It was different from all of the faucets I had had in the past and I loved it...and, it served me well. I don't remember how old it is but it has been there awhile doing its job perfectly. But then one day, it didn't want to turn off all of the way. Well, a long story ensues because I am all about fixing things myself if I can but, plumbing is not my forte. I thought all it needed was a washer until I discovered that single handle levers use a cartridge. OK, I'll just do that. But, the reality is that I probably would have spent a lot of time and money trying to track down this very outdated cartridge and so, I decided that it was time to just get a new faucet. And so I did. And, I am nothing if not a creature of habit-I don't like change. And so, instead of one of the really new fangled faucets that each of my girls has, I went with something pretty much exactly like what I had. The only difference is that this one does have the pull down sprayer on the faucet head and not as a separate attachment. 

The handyman finally showed up to install it and he is currently doing just that so here I am staying out of his way and looking for something to do. How about we head into the kitchen for more of the tour.

I'm trying to keep this room in the same color palette as the living room. There had been a few small pops of orange in past years so they are now gone and it feels a bit better to me.

The carpenter's box might need a bit of work. Right now it is just stacked with the cutting board, a decoupaged plate and my chocolate and cookie molds. Not sure what it needs but a definite tweak is in store.

The egg cutting board from Target $ Spot is cute but I absolutely love the bunny.

This is the $ Tree sign I redid last year and I just took off some flowers that were too bright and added the more muted lavender and's the little things. Lol

Here is where the newest canvas ended up.

I also made a change on the hutch. There used to be an arrangement of the more traditional Easter colored flowers and I just didn't want that this year. This is just some purple flowers that I have added to the greenery from St. Pat's with the addition of a past Palm Sunday cross and a cross made for us by a close friend who was also our pastor.

When I got rid of the flower arrangement, I also lost the height in the area and something was definitely needed on the wall. In keeping with not wanting to buy anything new, I just put a hanger on the back of the bunny decoupage I did last year and hung it. I'm still thinking it needs a bit more weight-perhaps in the form of a frame-but we shall see.

So that's the kitchen for this year-looking like green and purple are definitely the stars of the show for now.

I just realized a hidden bonus to the new faucet. The old one had the faucet head, the handle, the sprayer and a soap dispenser. And, it was all so close to the wall that cleaning behind and around all of those things was a challenge.

Since the new one has everything on the faucet head, the only extra is the soap dispenser. I almost didn't have him put that on and I could have used a round stainless cap to cover the opening but I like symmetry and it just didn't look right without it. I always have the hand soap that "matches" my dish soap-always the right color and of the scent season-lol-thank you Mrs. Meyers!!!-so I probably won't ever really use it but, it looks better. And, the large plate that covers the holes will be so much easier to clean...I hope?!

 So that is it for me today. I vacuumed and did a few things outside before the handyman came and I have a list a mile long for the rest of the week so for now I'm going to put my feet up and call it a day. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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