decorating with dodi

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Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Change of Plans

 Today was supposed to be the day for me to run my errands and shop for the weekend but I changed my plans and flipped my days. I have to be at grand daughter #5's student led conference at her school tomorrow so I figured as long as I was out any way I would stay home today and catch a few chores. But, those plans all changed too when I put away one of my birthday gifts and saw the new things I have for Easter this year. I had another "When You Give a Mouse a Cookie" kind of day.

One of my gifts from daughter #2 and family was that pillow and, she really knows her mom. I am definitely not a fan of the typical Easter pastel colors and use mostly shades of purple, some pinks and greens. This pillow hits my colors just perfectly and I can't wait to put it out. The other things are things I have grabbed along the way. The flowers on the right are ones I grabbed but forgot about the project I wanted them for until today.

I think I have already showed you these goodies...I've got Easter on the brain...need to get crafting with that wood bunny from $ Tree.

Somehow all of this sent me to my photo file from Easter last year and, when I saw this wreath, I remembered that that is what I bought the flowers for.

If you've been with me for a bit you might remember that my brother and sister-in-law gave me this as a birthday gift many years ago. You might also remember that I stored it in a closet that got some water in it last year and some of the eggs almost "melted". I re-did them but when I saw the picture this year I realized that the years have not been good to the brightness of this wreath and just the addition of the flowers would probably not make that big a difference. And so, I did what any insane person might do-I set out to repaint all of the eggs.

This is one of those projects where I wish I had another set of hands because the eggs twisted and turned as I painted and "shared" their wet paint with the other eggs around them. It had to do at least 2 coats of paint and mega amounts of touch-ups on each egg and some of them are still the worse for wear but, they are brighter!

Then, I added the flowers. These flowers weren't exactly the type they should have been but they were the color I wanted. I got so many hot glue burns as I started out that I turned the glue gun down to low but now I have so many glue "webs" (which happens more with the lower temperature) that it might take from now until Easter to pluck them all off.

And, just as I was putting on the last flower I realized that the way I usually use this wreath these days-which is kind of like a candle ring around the bottom of a large pot full of a live plant-probably won't work any more because instead of using the yellow-green paint I was going to use I went more with a soft green and now the pot -which is kind of chartreuse will clash horribly! We'll have to see what I come up with. Maybe I'll just have to buy a new pot. Lol

So, by the time I clean up the mess I made doing this, it will be time for dinner and another day will be in the books. And that is how my life goes. I'll be out all day tomorrow and then will probably use Friday to get ready for the girls but I will be sure to take lots of pictures of the weekend and I will be back to share soon. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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