decorating with dodi

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Friday, March 24, 2023


 I guess I should be feeling guilty. I have a list a mile long yet I am choosing to do only what I really want today and that is, give myself the day! It has been a busy week and I am tired and feel like I just need a day like this. I will probably end up doing a lot of little things-none of which are on the "list" - but, that's OK. The good thing about being retired is that there is always tomorrow!

That being said, let me start with my first "little thing". When last I posted, I mentioned that I wasn't crazy about how the bunny picture I added this year was looking. It was just not in proportion nor did it pop but, in sticking to my "buy nothing new" mantra, I was stumped. Until I decided that it needed a frame. And so, I headed to my trusty supply of used frames. 

The closest I found was a black frame still holding a precious memento of my teaching days. I knew right away that it would be too big but I thought maybe I could come up with a mat of sorts. And so, I removed the memento for safe keeping and started fooling around with the frame. I was at a loss until I realized that the image fit pretty symmetrically in the frame on all sides...and, I actually had 2 holes in this wall that were EXACTLY where they would need to be.

And so, I just gave the inside of the frame a quick coat of black paint so no raw edges were visible and up it went. In the picture you can definitely tell that there is wall around the image but in person, if you are just passing by, it looks like a mat that perfectly matches the wall. Lol Serendipity! Actually, either way I'm fine with a matter of fact, I might go so far as to say it is genius. LOL And, as I look at this picture, I'm thinking I just might go back and paint the frame on the scherenschnitte also. I like that the black gives the image some weight and it matches the soapstone countertop. Guess I've already found one of my "little" projects for today.

So now with all of that being said, why don't we move on to the dining room?

Still loving my HL table runner that reminds me of a PB runner from years past.

 I still love the bunny picture grand daughter #5 made for me a few years back.

So, that is the dining room for this year. I still think there is something missing but, since we are not going to be celebrating at my house this year-or even in my state-I am going to move along. If something hits me smack in the face and I just can't resist, I'll let you know. If not, it is what it is. Lol

Oh, and while I was making this post, I also did this.

I gave the frame a quick coat of black chalk paint...and didn't like that so I sanded a bit of it off. It is hard to see in this picture but it is better...not best yet but we shall see. Stay safe and stay tuned.


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