decorating with dodi

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Monday, March 20, 2023

Here Comes Peter Cottontail

 So my swap began yesterday morning and it actually moved along pretty quickly. I still have the sunroom to decorate and then all of the stuff taken down to pack away but, it moved more quickly than I thought and so I wanted to post the living room and see what you think. It is the room I think I was the least happy with so I made some changes. I'm not sure I'm totally done with the changes but for now, this is where we stand. And, I am not starting with the porch as I usually do because I haven't gotten to the garden shop yet and the pots still have shamrocks...yikes! In any case, let's head into the living room.

I started the change right in the entry. I like the bunny better in the basket than on the large tin tray and, I tried hard to keep the faux flowers down to mostly purple and pink. I had to acquiesce to a bit of yellow because there was already some in the arrangement that I made last year and I love it too much to start to mess with it. I think I needed to just give a nod to the yellow so your eye had a place to land as it went around the room. Still not my favorite color...I don't know why. It's supposed to represent happiness. I think I'm happy...I just don't care for the color. Lol

So this is where the egg wreath ended up. As I thought, I didn't like the new colors with the pot that I put the plant in. I tried putting the wreath on the couch table where it usually lives with other things but I missed the green of the live plant and I didn't have anything else of body that would fill that space-and, the object was to be able to re-decorate without buying anything new. So, here it is. I actually think I like it back where it started so many years ago-albeit with a new coat of many colors. But, the yellow is now introduced and you can follow it around the room.

I also like that the wreath brings in some of the colors in the bunny's egg stash.

As I am looking at this, I am thinking that I need to add something to give this some pop. I think I am going to see if I can find some green excelsior when I head out tomorrow and maybe give the eggs a little color. 

Here is the bunny on the balustrade that is similar to the Pinterest picture that I shared the other day. I was going to do a flower arrangement under him but then decided that I already have bordering on too many faux flowers going on so I just placed him on the flower garland that I picked up in the Target $ Spot and I like it...sometimes less really is more!

I still really love the bunny head arrangement I made last year-although now I am regretting all of those yellow flowers...sigh.

This Easter egg bead garland was actually the first one I made and seemed to be the precursor of all of the other bead garlands to come. I had never seen one but, it looked easy enough, it was back during Covid lock down and, I had all of the supplies so I gave it a try. It's not my favorite but I'm OK with it here.

I was positive that I wasn't going to use the PB pot with the spring flowers this year in my effort to stay more neutral but, I feel like this spot needs something large and until I buy a fresh Easter lily, I caved because I don't have anything else. I did try to weed out a lot of the bright flowers and most of the yellow.

And this is where my beautiful bunny birthday present ended up. I knew I wanted it with the bunny in the cloche-which could be his twin brother or at least a distant cousin-ha-ha-and I wanted it to have a presence. I propped him up on an old, little "stool" that I bought long ago in a favorite antique store and I absolutely love how this vignette turned out-they were made for each other!

So that is the living room so far-always subject to change! I'm off to grab a quick lunch and then to try to get everything packed back up so I can get my car back into the garage and out of the grips of the still falling leaves and pollen! Stay safe and stay tuned. least it will be when I pull those few cellophane grass bits out. I think this will work for now.

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