decorating with dodi

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Sunday, June 19, 2022

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie!

 So it has been one of those days. Hazel left yesterday evening after my daughter came by for a "catch me up" visit on their travels and things to put on the calendar that are coming up soon - and to bring me flowers, wine and some groceries as a thank you. Don't tell her, but I really don't need a thank you. Taking care of Hazel is my pleasure. And, of course, I am already missing my little shadow but, when she is here I think about her first and foremost and so, even though she is so good and will not run off or will stay when I tell her, I don't like to keep her outside when it is so hot. Me? I'm a different story. I will do things outside even when I am miserable if it is something I want to get done.

To be honest, I was thinking we might be getting a rainy Sunday. We had a nice rainfall yesterday so the grass isn't in need as much, but, I love rainy Sundays. I have told you before...I give myself license to do what I want...not what needs to be done...on rainy days. And so, I thought maybe today would be a movie day. But, not yet at least and so, out I went.

There is a bit of pre-story in this case but let's make it the abbreviated version. I have had a grill outside one of my back doors for many years. I don't use it at all any more so decided it was time to go. I put it out on the curb with a "free to a good home" sign and it is gone! I thought that was that but, this is the door that Hazel and I went out the most and every time I walked out there, this was my view.

And, of course, it was OK until it wasn't. Those darn "new eyes" spied it one time too many and I knew it needed something. I didn't want to buy anything new or really get into any large moving frenzy out there until I came up with a plan. And so, for now, I shopped my yard. Over on the far side of my yard, I have about 6 old Adirondack chairs along with some other seats. We used to use this side of the yard a lot when the grands were young and the swing set was there. About the only time we're over there anymore is when we play games and need lots of open space. Then, some of us will play while others pull up chairs to watch. And, as things will do in humid, hot Florida, as the chairs were stacked, they began to get faded and moldy. Out of sight, out of mind...until today. I decided to grab one of the chairs and clean it up so I could put it in this area to just fill a void for awhile. It is doubtful that anyone will ever sit there but, who knows.

And so it began the way most of my outdoor projects begin these days...with Clorox and scrub brushes.

It took a bit of scrubbing but it cleaned up pretty well. In fact, it looks like new while it is wet but I suspect as it dries, the faded color will return. That won't be a problem as I have lots of spray paint from past projects in the garage so a quick coat and it should be fine. Of course, as I was doing that, I noticed how moldy the shutters on the small back window were so it was on to them and now the storage unit needs a good scrub. And, as I went to take a picture of the sky vine to show you how nicely it has come back, I spied the gourd bird house made for me by my brother and sister-in-law and knew it needed a scrub.

And now I am about to go out to get the ladder and get up there and get some of that unruly vine tied back. And then, as I was looking at these pictures I wondered if I might like a chair out on my front porch???? And so it goes. If you give a mouse a cookie. I'll be back.

I'm baacckkk! I was the chair dried the faded color became more and more apparent and, I was OK with that because I really don't have much green furniture left. Almost everything got repainted in the bronze and browns years ago.

I had a few cans of this brown. I think it may have been what I bought when I was going to repaint my slide. No matter. It was perfect for this chair. I still need to do the underside and maybe a bit of a touch up because the dapple of the leaves is making it hard to see areas I might have missed...but, that dapple is also what allowed me to be out there all of this time without having a heat stroke!

Of course, in keeping with the theme of the day, as soon as I saw this color I knew one more thing needing to be done.

A few years ago when I got my new washer and dryer I decided to have a new exhaust hose put in as well. My plumber used a new fangled "hose" that looks a bit like a PVC pipe and cost way more than the expandable metal ones that get squished and can over heat. I'm sure it is safer and the "new thing" but I wasn't happy when I first saw that bill...but, I digress. In any case, the new vent came with a new outside cover...and it was BRIGHT white. I didn't snap a picture but it is on the front of my house on the porch - the only place it can go! And looking at that white thing against the red of the brick has driven me crazy since it was first done. I truly don't know what has taken me so long!

 It's still not attractive but, maybe if it has an Adirondack chair in front of it?! Lol Now I'm truly wishing that I had cleaned up 2 chairs at the same time. I really don't want to drag all of that stuff out and start again but, I'm not taking any bets.

So, it is now after noon and murderously hot out there! I don't like the empty space next to the chair so I think I will rig up some kind of a surface and, the potting bench needs some work as well as the whole layout but, that will be for another day. This mouse has had enough cookies for one day and is off for some lunch and feet up! But, I have more plans for tomorrow so I'm sure I will bring you along if you're interested. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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