decorating with dodi

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Saturday, June 18, 2022

Finishing Up

 So it is another HOT day here in Central Florida. My family arrived home safely last night but were off to a lacrosse tournament at 5:00 this morning, so I get to have Hazel here for a bit longer. I always had a dog. From the time I was in kindergarten until we lost our last Golden, there has always been at least one dog in my home and often times there were well as countless cats, birds, fish, rabbits and hamsters! I love animals and I love having the company. I will be very sad when Hazie leaves and every time she is here, I reconsider whether I should think about bringing another pet into my life. Right about that time, the reality of being a pet owner hits me in the face and I realize yet again that at this stage of my life, grand dog sitting is the best option for me. Which, by the way, would be so much more difficult to do if there was already a pet in residence here. But, I digress. I will enjoy her while I still have her and then vacuum and get on with my life. Lol

In any case, I don't want to get too involved with any big projects because the family will be here at some point so I thought we'd see the rest of the 4th decor and then we can start to decide where we will be going from here. All that is left are the bathrooms and, as always, the master bath is given just a nod to the holiday.

Let's start in the guest bath. Can you believe I'm showing you the last of the decor and I'm still tweaking? Here is what the guest bath looked like when I woke up this morning.

And here is what it looks like now after FB sent me a memory this morning and I realized that I had the Southern Living metal basket under the sink and had forgotten to use it this year...and apparently last year either as I was looking at 2021 pictures as I decorated this year. It was under the sink instead of with all of my other 4th stuff and I just never thought of it. Far be it from me to not use something I have and love and so, a quick trip to the white flowers (I don't have any more red or blue flowers available right now and it's too late to go buy more), a fold of the towel that had been hanging there and another small flag and voila, something I apparently couldn't live without! Lol

 I love the flag canvas that Presley, Hud and I did a few years ago. We all just painted what we wanted and they all turned out so cute!

This was in 2018. Look how little they were!

The shelves over the commode are useful but also fun to decorate.

And just a peek at the master bath.

Can you believe that I found several bars of 4th of July soap the last time I was in Home Goods. I am crazy over soaps that have pretty wrappers for holidays and seasons. They smell so good but, because they're so pretty, I never open them to use. Lol

And, while we're on the subject of decorative soaps - we were, weren't we? - my holiday/seasonal OCD rears its ugly head yet I am so "sensitive" to holiday colors and labels that I used to put my dish soap into a clear bottle always making sure the one I used was a color of the season. How much easier my life became when Mrs. Meyers came out and started having seasonal/holiday fragrances. And so, whenever I am in Target especially, I check what new fragrances have hit the shelf. I wasn't happy with my choice for this month but it was as close as I could get until I spied the blue label, They only had the hand soap but I didn't have any other that was better so now it kind of looks like red and blue? Don't you think? Ah, now I can sleep again! Lol I don't really obsess about these things but when they work out, I am happy. :) SO much better.

I think we are now done with the patriotic decor for this year. I have been looking for sunflower crafts to do but, so far, I'm running low on ideas. I do have a lot of outdoor chores to tackle so that might be what keeps me busy for the next week. Oh, and I just got an invitation to accompany daughter #3 to Tallahassee on Friday to see my grandson do his final presentation at Boy's State. That should be another proud Nana moment. I'll let you know how it goes. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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