decorating with dodi

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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

All Good Things

So I knew this was going to be a pretty busy week but I had no idea exactly how busy it would turn out to be. There was an exciting football game in Clearwater last Friday night...with a HUGE win for our side! I stayed home and dog sat but went to grandson #2's game on Saturday. Unfortunately, that outcome wasn't as positive but it was still a beautiful day to be outside with family. Then, it was back to daughter #3's house for dinner and the Gator game.

Sunday and Monday were full of Cox Cable techs...this is a long, sad story that still has no end and, quite honestly, the story that I am getting from them sounds more like science fiction to keep me quiet. We shall see how this plays out!

But then, the fun. Daughter #2 came for the day yesterday and we had a nice lunch out and ran some errands. Then, we were joined by daughter #3 and her two youngest...and this adorable creature.

This is another VERY long story but suffice it to say that grand daughter #5 - who is a bit animal obsessed - finally managed to save one of the abandoned kittens in their neighborhood. From observations of the mama cat, they are thinking he/she is about 2 weeks old. She is so cute and, so far, seems to be doing well with bottle feedings every 3 or so hours. Of course, their dog and other cat are not happy about this latest wrinkle, so life is even more chaotic over there than it usually is with 3 very active kids! Lol

And, while everyone was here, we decided to try to make plans for a small Halloween weekend at Nana's this coming weekend. Aunt Becky wants to join so it should be fun. Plus, we have another H.S. game Friday night and then MCYFL on Saturday so I may not be back for awhile. Lots of plans to make and supplies to be bought.

With that in mind, I thought maybe we should move into the kitchen today while I am here.

I am always so happy every year when this pot makes its appearance. It is one of my favorite finds. I found it many years ago at a Hallmark Card Shop.

Two more of my favorite gifts...the Witch's Brew wine glass from daughter #1 and the Halloween pot holder set made by my sister-in-law.

Cute little dangley legged witch gifted me by daughter #2.

I love the little sign that grand daughter #5 put together one afternoon when she was back in my craft room. It is really hard to see but there are two witch hats made out of twisted pipe cleaners on top of the orange blocks. I love that she just comes up with all of this stuff totally on her own!

This is another sign that she made me when she was up with my brother and sister-in-law.

So that is it for the kitchen this year. Lots of chores waiting for me so I am off. Don't know when I'll be back but I bet when I am I will have lots of pictures to share. Stay safe and stay tuned.





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