decorating with dodi

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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

What a Difference a Day Makes...or Two...or

Wow! What a difference a day makes. The summer rains have been wonderful for keeping my "lawns" green - I say that because a lot of my lawn is weed but, if it's green, I'm good with it. Lol - but they have also been wonderful for the weeds growing in the gardens. I seem to go from keeping a pretty good handle on them to being totally over-run by them. And so, with a hint of cooler weather coming through, I decided it was time to get out there and get going. The first day was mostly weeding and a bit of trimming. It took six hours and I am about 1/3 of the way done but, I always start in the areas that I see the most so things start to look better to me very quickly!

Then, the next day was ladder day. I have so many vines growing on pergolas or over trellises and, when they start to get out of hand they begin to grow up into wires. Once that happens, I know it is time to get up there and trim them down. Heaven forbid they mess with my cable or electric. Lol

In any case, that is all done for now. I have a few indoor things to get to before heading back out so all is good for now.

Since I'm here right now, I thought we would catch the last two rooms I have to show you...the guest bath and the master bath. I like my guests to have decor all through the house but in the master, I almost always just do a nod to the season.

These are the floating shelves above the commode that my son-in-law built for me.

I think this room is kind of like the just gets things that don't have any other home. Except that is, for the soap. I am always drawn to beautiful soaps wrapped in pretty seasonal papers. One of these days I will have to actually rip open the wrappings and use the soap. Lol

I think that is it for this year's autumn decor. I was actually just looking at my last year's Halloween and I'm getting excited to start the next swap out. The autumn to Halloween is a big one because, except for a few orange candles, almost everything else gets switched...and, I of course have TONS of Halloween. I did do a bit of down sizing last year and, who knows, maybe I might again this year...we will have to see. In any case, I'm off to catch a few things needing doing...especially making another batch of my Martha Stewart Vegetable Vermicelli soup. I love that stuff and it should keep me in food for the rest of the week. I'll be back soon. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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