decorating with dodi

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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Quick Peek at the Sunroom

I am still working on my kitchen counters so no "after" pictures to show yet. The upper counter of the bar area is giving me some shoulder issues because it is higher and more difficult to apply pressure. I am just doing it a bit at a time. I also have my grand dog Hazel here with me for a bit so, it is more fun to spend time with her. Also, the grout saw makes a noise worse than finger nails on a chalk board and it bothers her ears so I am letting it go until she leaves.

With all of that being said, I did manage to get up early today and make my son-in-law a batch of pumpkin donut holes for his birthday. It is always the first "pumpkin" flavored treat of the year and kind of a tradition. Now I just have to remember that Hazel is the food sneak. I need to have them out to cool somewhere that she can not reach...because, she will try! Ask me how I know. Lol

When Hazel and I went out early this morning, there was actually a hint of coolness in the air. Fingers crossed that it keeps on keeping on! But, I have pretty much lived my whole life in Florida so I know that might be too much to ask for just yet.

In any case, let's take a quick look at the sunroom. This poor room is always pretty much the "ugly stepchild" of decor. It seems by the time I reach this room, I am tired. And, because we do use this room a lot and it is already full of lots of things that don't ever get moved -like plants- there really isn't a lot of decorating area. And, because the room is so long and narrow and mostly reflective windows, photographing it well is almost impossible. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Lol With that wonderful build-up, aren't you just dying to see it? Come on along then.

Wow. Not really anything to add to the pictures. There is enough in the sunroom so you don't forget that it is autumn but not so much that you can't pull out a chair and sit down without moving a dozen things first-which seems to be the norm in the rest of the house.

I am off to take my little friend out for some fetch time but I'll be back. There are still a few more rooms to show you and I'm hoping some kind of fall/Halloween crafting inspiration will hit soon as well. If it does, you'll be the first to know. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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