Once again I am shaking my head and saying "where has the time gone?". I just can't seem to get caught up on my dates in my head but, I am fine as far as being ready for the holiday. Now don't get me wrong, I haven't baked the first cookie or wrapped the first present but, after the last few days, I at least have the presents to wrap. Of course now that the "kids" are older, Christmas shopping for them is a breeze. It's money all the way-not even gift cards any more because they are almost all at the age where they are paying their own bills and, as I remember, a little extra cash always came in handy-many times to help pay the rent or electric. I also still do the ornament for the year things but the four oldest are now just getting a "nana original" for their trees because, let's be honest, once you have your own home and you're out there in the every day work force, there aren't that many new things added that I can find an ornament for...if someone gets a new address, wedding, baby, etc. I will be fine but none of that is happening right now so a Nana ornament it will be for them. Of course, I personalize it for each. The three youngest are still having "firsts" in their lives but it still takes some searching these days for a cute idea-unless you were lucky enough to just see the Taylor Swift Era's Tour in Miami-then it's a no -brainer.
In any case, I have been out and about pretty much the last few days and I am happy to be home today. I have all of the lights lit, Christmas music on and I'm doing all sorts of little things that make me happy-and that is what brings me here. Let's head into the sunroom today.
Both of my Christmas cacti usually bloom for the holiday but this year they are being a bit stubborn. I have been checking every day and I am finally seeing enough buds that I think they might be making a bit of a showing by the big day.
So that is pretty much the sunroom for this year. I will be glad I have kept it so minimal next week as I start moving things around to accommodate the second eating area for Christmas. It worked out well last year-I hope I remember how I did it!
So over my last few days I have been able to fit in a few little errands and pick up some things to help me do a bit of tweaking that has been on my list.
Any time I add something new, it takes me awhile until I feel as if I might finally "have" it. That is the case with the new shelf in the living room. I felt like it needed a touch of light and have looked a number of places for the little candlestick candles-battery lit BUT they need to be on a timer. Those things are sold out everywhere although I did see some that had some sort of extra plastic thing on it to be used on a window. I wish I had grabbed them because now I am thinking I might have been able to use my Dremmel and cut the extra plastic off and because of where they would be, no one would be the wiser...and, believe me, if I find myself anywhere out on that side of town in the next few days, that might still happen.
But, I stumbled on another answer and this works for me for now-although I still think the dark shelves could use a bit of brightening. Lol
I was looking for more generic garlanding to stick in my tree to "fatten" it up more but none of that stuff is left so I spied another garland and realized it would make the perfect ring for my PB candle holder that lost its embellishment this year to another container...and I missed the greenery and the pop it provided. And so, I bought the garland , brought it home, cut off a piece and twisted it for here.
And that made me happy until I realized that I still had about 8' of that garland left...and then it hit me. And, since I had grabbed batteries, I brought out a strand of fairy lights-with a timer-and had this.
That definitely helps a bit and I swapped the pillow on the chair for the Santa pillow because of the other Santas in this vignette.
And then because I had the new batteries I added another set of fairy lights to the nativity. I just love the glow they add. And I bought a few strings of white lights-just to hedge my bet-and got the little outside tree sparkling again also.

And, I had one of my serendipity moments in Dollar Tree of all places. I don't remember of I have posted about the vintage looking metal easel images that bloggers have been posting about for over a year. They were only available at the "Plus" stores and we didn't have any of them until last Christmas. I searched often last year but could never find one-and then again at Easter for the vintage rabbit-again, nothing. Imagine my surprise when I was in there the other day grabbing a wood tree that I had never been able to find either when I just happened to gaze down and there in a large box on the floor-no where near the Christmas stuff-was this guy. He was the only one left and he was bent a bit and I think he is perhaps printed a little wrong because he does looks a bit blurry but, since he is supposed to be vintage I'm OK with it. My first thought was that I would repaint it like the flags but I think I have let that thought go...at least for this year. He looks so cute and serves a purpose here by the tree-he is hiding that ugly electrical cord until I can get some presents under there. Lol Then, he might stay by the tree or he might find another place of honor. I was SOOO excited to find him. As they say, good things come to those who wait.
And, because HL had their Christmas up to 60% off, I grabbed a bunch of greenery. Because I didn't have an immediate use for it I just stuck it in the little black vase. But then I realized that if I added anything else to it it could become another small centerpiece so, I grabbed the Santa a friend made for me many, many years ago. I loved him so much I made a bunch as gifts that year as well. And then for the color, I popped in an extra candy cane and it's cute. Not sure where he will end up either as things seem to be moving quickly these days but for now he looks good against the colors of the doily my mom crocheted one year for each of us as gifts for our homes. I love that doily so much!
And that is where I am for today. I have a few more little things I want to do and then I think it will be a feet up-movie watching afternoon before the fun starts again tomorrow. I have a bit more to share so I will be back. Until then, stay safe and stay tuned.
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