decorating with dodi

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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Where Is It?!?

 Today is September 19 and I am still searching for any hint of autumn. I woke up with an urge to tie back my bougainvillea-which, 5 hours later still hasn't happened- so after my coffee and the paper, I headed out. I realized that the jasmine over the side gate needed cutting back as well and since the sun wouldn't be in my eyes on that side of the yard, I decided to start there. And, as I said, that was 5 hours ago. I had another one of my "if you give a mouse a cookie" moments. I started cutting the jasmine and then realized that it had just gotten so heavy over all of these years that it finally broke the lattice it was attached to. So, that meant pretty much cutting it all back as well as getting the broken lattice down. And then outside the gate was a tree that had just sent off shoots everywhere so it needed cutting back. And then the birdbath out front needed to be swapped with one in a back garden as well as a garden statue. And then I noticed that the legs of a bench I had made years ago for plants along the side wall had rotted off and the bench would need to be rebuilt. And, as I said, that was 5 hours ago. I actually got everything done but the bench because I will need to pick up the correct size wood for that but, I am in a conundrum about the area above the gate. I'm pretty sure the jasmine will grow back and look fine without more lattice but I'm so used to the lattice that it looks odd to me right now. I have an old piece of lattice I might could cut and use but if I'm going to go to that much work, shouldn't I buy a new piece and start fresh? 

When I look at this picture it looks pretty bad and I'm not sure I can wait for the jasmine to fill in...might be putting up some lattice soon!

But, I need to remind myself how quickly things grow. This is the garden I cut WAY back just a few weeks ago and look at it again!

And so, that is why I find myself back here in the house at this moment. I'm going to grab a quick lunch and then get out to the bougainvillea that started this whole thing. 

I think I'll head to Lowes tomorrow and pick up a lot of things I need to finish up the yard. Then maybe I can get a little time this weekend to sit outside and enjoy it. I know that I really need to get going on my Halloween decorating but I always hate to take down autumn. After surviving summer, the autumn decor just makes me so happy. Also, Halloween is a BIG swap-mostly just because I have so much. And yes, I said I was going to simplify this year but after going over and over the pictures from past years I just can't find anything I'm willing to give up...we'll see how I feel when the decorating actually starts. I was going to wait a bit longer for the swap but I remembered that daughter #3 and her family were heading to CT for "Parents' Weekend" at the Academy and I will have the puppers with me...and, since they follow my every move, trying to go in and out and up and down with them under my feet sounds a bit like an accident waiting to happen so I need to be done before then...or after but that would mean that Halloween wouldn't even be out for a month and, again, it's too big a swap not to have it here for awhile! Oh the dilemmas of life! Lol

So, that is where I am. Nothing exciting from this end right now but I've been MIA for a few days so I thought I would check in. I'll be back soon. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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