decorating with dodi

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Monday, September 23, 2024

Unexpected Company

 So the only thing I really knew for sure about my weekend was that I was going to watch my grandson's college football game. Then, I received an invitation to go watch it with daughter #3 and her family. They are way more tech savvy than I so at their house, the game is on their large screen TV as opposed to at my house where it is on the IPad. And so, my response was an automatic "yes".

Since my grand daughter loves the pumpkin doughnuts that I make and I haven't gotten to them so far this year, I decided I would whip up a batch before heading over to surprise her.

I was the one who was surprised when I arrived as my son-in-law could get the game on his computer, Jen couldn't get it on the TV at all and, on her phone, the link took her to the soccer game. I went to it on my phone and had no trouble. Gotta love technology! One of the kids who could help was in the shower and the other was out at the barn tending to his steer. Jen was finally able to get it on her phone but it was at a different place than mine and then my son-in-law finally got it to the TV but it was constantly buffering and the sound sounded like a foreign language. It was actually kind of funny and we continued to keep up with the score one way or another until my grand daughter emerged and was able to change something??? They have direct TV and there were so many screens, internets. WiFis.....I would be lucky to even be able to turn it on if that was mine.

In any case, we got it totally working by halftime and we probably would have been better if we hadn't because things didn't go well but, we got to see Harrison on the TV so that always makes everything OK!

After a bit of visiting, I was heading out after seeing how Jen is redecorating her living room-once again-and she had some chairs she thought I could use and wanted to send one home with me to check it out. Honestly, by that time of day I would have been fine with waiting but I went along with it as my grand daughter loaded it into my car...and my grand dog Hazel jumped in as well. And then she immediately laid down and wouldn't get out. We were thinking maybe she wanted some "Nana" time without her canine brother around. He loves her a lot but usually ends up showing it by sitting on her or shoving her out of the way of loving "pets" on the head or various other strong armed (pawed?) tactics. Lol  And so, I didn't have the heart to say no to her so off we went.

She is actually so easy to have. She can go anywhere with me with no leash...she just follows along. And, she's usually ready to go to bed long before even I am so we had a lovely evening together.

So that brings us to today. I'm deciding what I might want to do as I type and thought I would show you what I mean by "right by my side". If I move my chair at all, I will run over her. That shadow is me and that bit of black on the bottom of the screen is my chair seat. I know I spoil her and she loves me but I'm not sure I can handle this much "adoration" all of the time. Lol

As soon as I finished the above post I decided to rebuild the old, rotted plant bench and quickly got out all of the supplies.

You can see the rotted legs in this picture-the reason why the bench fell over and the reason for the rebuild. If I was being truly enthusiastic, I would have purchased wood and rebuilt the whole thing but: 1. wood is expensive. Just the little piece for the legs was over $10...and the rest of the wood on the bench was still usable and 2. this is really meant to be a RUSTIC piece. It isn't supposed to look like it just came off of a show room floor. And so, what I thought would be a simple rebuild was about to start.

I did have to pause at this picture. Those of you who know me can see my entire personality right here. First, we are doing this inside because I am OVER the heat outside. Then, this is right by the side door that goes into my garage so I tend to pile things here that need to go out to wait for my "one trip self" to take them all at once...hence, the flower pots for recycling, the rusty urn to go on a shelf and the blower that just got recharged to be put away. Then, there is the branch...something waiting for the black paint I bought so it can take its place in the Halloween decor. And then, the ceiling paint that I bought over a year ago and still haven't opened. This is the room that needs the ceiling paint so the point of leaving it there was to motivate me...hasn't worked yet. Lol

And so "we" got started. I will say that I had originally nailed it together quite well because I could NOT get those old, now rusted, nails out without much fuss and a few choice words.

And, as I was sawing and hammering there came a knocking at this door. Since no one ever comes to this door I just assumed it must be my son-in-law come to get Hazie and could hear us back here. But, when I opened the door, the title to this blog (Unexpected Company) was even truer than when I began. There was daughter #1. She had been in Jacksonville for the weekend with her high school friend. They went to a concert and had a nice visit and since she got an earlier start than she thought heading home, she stopped in for a catch-up. It was so nice to visit with her and hear all of her news first hand.

She stayed for awhile-even helped me decide that we didn't like the chair from daughter #3 in my bedroom so, for now, it is here. 


I was leaning towards by the window when daughter #3 (who gave me the chair) messaged to see how it worked out. I sent her these pictures for her input and, as things so often do in the "life of Dodi", I may have my next project to keep me busy-although, I'm not sure this is the best time of the year to be starting this...maybe we should save it for January. My girls know how badly I want to change this room. It has looked like this a long time and seems very dated to me. But, most everything I would do would be a BIG project and expensive. But, when Jen saw the pictures she started suggesting some things that she says are coming back into style-she's an interior designer-and, she thinks she has some things in her warehouse that could work so it seems that maybe with just a bit of painting of the furniture and new bedding that she already has, we might be able to give this room just the facelift it needs...stay tuned.

Any way after Kris left,  Hazie and I went back to work and got the bench finished. This time I also gave it a quick coat of wax stain so the new legs matched the "old" a bit better. And again, remember, this is NOT supposed to look new.

Of course, after I looked at this picture I realize that maybe those shutters could use a new coat of stain...if you give a mouse a cookie. Lol Also, now that the bench is sturdy again, I need to get some plants on it and I need to bury those bricks a bit into the ground. See why it never gets boring around here?

I have an appointment tomorrow and then my brother and sister-in-law are coming on Wednesday. The dogs will be here on Thursday so we'll see if I get brave enough to start my Halloween swap out or just wait until next week. Sorry this post was all over the place but that is life at my house. Lol Stay safe and stay tuned.

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