decorating with dodi

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Monday, November 11, 2019

Happy Autumn...Finally!

Happy Monday. It is the most perfect autumn day outside! It looks like the weather outside has finally caught up to my house decor inside. And, I got a special little gift this morning. I just had to throw open all of the windows and, when I did the ones in the sunroom, I was greeted with that most delicious fragrance of tea olives. They are just starting to bloom but even a few blooms will produce the most intoxicating aroma. When I first happened upon these bushes so many years ago at Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings house, I immediately found a nursery that carried them and bought about 20. I have them all around my back yard and just can't get enough of their fragrance. Lucky for me, they bloom about three times a year.

In any case, I have finished my ornaments - but am still covered in lots of iridescent glitter - and got to spend Saturday with my youngest grand daughter as well sneak in a quick visit with the rest of her family yesterday. I had a lovely weekend and am now ready to hit the ground running on a new week.

There will be a few changes around here for awhile. Daughter #3's home is getting a pretty extensive re-model. They did a lot of reno when they first bought their home but they are now ready to pull the plug on the rest of it. It will require a good bit of demo work so, for now, they think it will be fun to try to live in the house in the bedroom wing while this is happening (?) but, their two large dogs can not stay there. Not only would they constantly be in the way, but the potential for escape with open gates is too much to risk.

And so, they will be moving in with me for as long as it takes. They're really sweet dogs and I enjoy them but I will have to change my schedule a bit.

And then on top of that, my daughter is pretty much getting rid of most of their furniture and has offered it up to any of the rest of the family before donating it. She has the most beautiful - HUGE - TV armoire that I have always loved and I jumped on the opportunity to own it. That being said, did I say it is HUGE? My SIL and grandson brought the two side pieces over and put them in my garage yesterday. But, they could not budge the middle section...not just because it is heavy but also because it comes to within 5" of the ceiling so there is no room to tip it to get a grip.

So now, half of it is here...half is still there. And, of course, I have my three piece unit to empty and move. I am kind of worried how the new one will fit in my family room, who will be able to help me re-hook up all of the electronics, etc. But, most of all I am worried about where all of my photos will go as the two side units are narrower than the ones I have and I can barely fit all of my photos in as it is. I might have bitten off more than I can chew.

But, until that all happens, I thought I'd move on with the autumn tour. Sure hope the family room is settled before my tree needs to go up!

I still really love all of my silly little Publix pilgrims. I think the only thing they are still making is the salt and pepper set.

The platter under the pumpkin tureen is another Publix piece...

...and the counted cross stitch is one I did back in 1985. I don't think I could even see the needle to thread it any more let alone see the fabric to count the threads to do the stitches!

My VERY old pilgrim and turkey candles from Woolworths have made it through another year. They are actually 53 years old! The prayer next to it is a card I sent one year that I simply matted and framed.

Wow. I'm guessing not much has changed in the kitchen because I sure didn't have much to interject. Guess that makes up for the lengthy intro on this post.

So that it it for the kitchen,. I'm off to find some things to do outside before Mother Nature decides to trick us again and bring back the heat! Stay tuned.

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