I woke up to rain today-the day the fence guy was supposed to be here. I pretty much knew that would be delayed and, again, I couldn't work outside where the majority of the work needs to be done so I started looking for a fairly simple project to bide my time until the rains stopped. I remembered that I have three pieces of furniture that need repainting or refinishing so I chose the one that would be the easiest-the little piece that got moved when a larger one went into the sunroom. I liked it white until the other black piece moved in and then the white, black and walnut was just one too many colors!
Monday, March 10, 2025
Biding My Time
Sunday, March 9, 2025
And Just Like That!
And just like that I made up my mind that today was the day. I had a plan. I would start cutting back frost damage and weeding in the terraced garden by the pool because that is the area I see the most when I am outside doing anything-and, it totally drives me crazy when it looks like this. Of course, the millions of fallen leaves don't help but except for on walkways and drives where I can use the blower, I pretty much wait for all of them to stop falling before I tackle that. In any case, my plan was then to head over to the gardens I can see from the sunroom and do the same. It was a little cloudy and a bit humid but I was ready! Until, I wasn't!!!
I started cutting and then put my hand down on the bed so I could balance as I reached to cut some more when it happened! I got the WORST pain in my thumb-the kind of pain that sends tingles up and down your spine. I thought for sure that I had encountered a piece of glass or nail or pointy "something" but when I looked at my finger, I saw nothing. And then I realized that it felt more like a sting. And so I grabbed a tool and dug a bit and there he was-a large, nasty yellow jacket. In all of my many years of gardening, I have NEVER encountered a nest below the ground. I think I knew that they could do this but I never changed my games plans because I had never seen one.
I am a pretty tough cookie and usually I shake things like this off pretty quickly. I have been stung before and it hurts for a bit but I get over it and so, that is what I thought I would do this time. Since it still really hurt a lot, I did go in and wash it and put on some Neosporin and back out I went. But, it still hurt so much that I was having trouble using that finger to hold anything or grab at weeds and so, almost as quickly as it started, it has stopped. And I am not at all happy-with myself for putting my hand down where I did and definitely not with that yellow jacket!
I had such plans for the day but they are now altered as I try to decide what I will be able to accomplish as my thumb continues to throb and swell. And so, let's take a look at the family room and then I'll catch you up on another little-very little-project.
And then a few tweaks I've done since I took the initial pictures. I showed you this addition of the gold tray before.
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Best Laid Plans
When last we talked, I told you I had a slew of errands to run today and I didn't know when I would be back again...and here I am. I awoke this morning ready to set out to run those errands and, hopefully, find some new treasures and craft supplies. And I was just about to get ready to do just that when I noticed that one of the valance rings had slipped off its holder on the very long window in the sunroom. And, since those things can then drop off in domino fashion, I decided to get a stool and fix it before it went any further. And that is when I saw this!
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Happy For Some Rain
We are getting just a small bit of that storm that is blowing across the country. Others are having horrible wind and tornados but we are really just getting a small amount of wind and a much needed rain. I love rainy days for so many reasons! It definitely gives me "permission" to stay inside and not worry about garden chores and it means that I probably won't be leaving the house unless I really have to because I'm not a fan of driving in rain and, it also usually means that I won't be cleaning because, to me, nothing really looks or feels clean on dreary, rainy days. So that pretty much means I am free to do anything I want without feeling guilty that I'm not crossing things off of lists. Lol And so today I thought I'd take you into the sunroom and then give you a glimpse of a few other things that my over worked mind has come up with. Lol