decorating with dodi

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Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Calm Before the Storm...Literally

I have lived in Florida pretty much my whole life and I love it...most of the time. I have also been through many hurricanes...some terrifying, some not as bad. But, the time that you spend waiting-when you are pretty sure it IS coming-can be nerve racking! And, that is where we are right now with Nicole. This is a large storm coming in pretty late in the season. It doesn't sound as ominous as Ian but it is so large that it will be here awhile and will probably come straight up the middle of the state. The coasts will fare far worse as they have yet to recover from Ian. We are starting to get some wind gusts and that is the big concern around here. The huge oak trees that make this area so beautiful are also our biggest worry in these storms as they have a tendency to just pull out of the ground or drop large limbs that will take out power lines as they do so.

And so, that is where we are right now. I thought I would hedge my bet and at least get a blog posted just in case I do lose power. Let's take a look at the porch and living room where the pictures where taken on a much prettier day.

I love the dough bowl full of the pumpkins and then a small stack of book pages with a Pilgrim image helps bring it a bit more out of just autumn and into Thanksgiving. I found that turkey in a tearoom gift shop in Tampa when my girls and I were there one year for a witches' tea.

This is where the wreath that I bought in "The Shop" in Micanopy ended up.

So that is the living room for this year. I am thinking about heading out and cutting up some fence slats to make another pallet that I can use to make another Thanksgiving sign because I do feel as if I neglect this holiday but, it is so gloomy out there I'm not sure just yet. I'm also trying to get all of my wash done and all of the dishes in the dish washer cleaned...figured I had better use my power while I still have it. Lol

I'll be back when I can but, until then, stay safe and stay tuned.



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