decorating with dodi

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Thursday, November 10, 2022

Almost Over!

 So it is now Thursday morning and, except for still having rain and an occasional wind gust, I think Nicole has pretty much passed us by. Because it is such a large storm, even though the eye is gone, the perimeter is pretty much still covering the state with wind, rain and the possibilities of tornadoes. My oldest daughter is back working in NY and supposed to fly home tomorrow but, once again, it looks like that may not happen And, she just heard that another one of her trees in St. Pete has again lifted out of the ground. I'm not sure that poor tree will ever take root.

In any case, I am keeping busy as best I can so I thought I would take you through a bit more of the tour. Let's head into the kitchen.

I still love the handprint turkeys from my grand children and the turkey at the bottom of the fridge that was made many years ago by daughter #3.

I love the images and colors on this print that I bought at Etsy from CreatifBelle. I added the little guy next to it because I thought they kind of look alike. 

I bought this sign at Hobby Lobby a number of years ago and still love its message.

Anyone who follows this blog knows that I am a sucker for rusty, chippy stuff! I'm not sure why but I was reminded that it all may have started many years ago with this candelabra. My oldest daughter has always been a lover of Jelly Bellys. When she was younger, we bought her a red dispenser and kept it full for her. We had a candy/gift shop open downtown that carried Jelly Bellys by the pound and also all of the dispensers and one day I found myself there looking to buy her the ultimate gift...a GOLD dispenser. I was excited to get it for her because it would now look more appropriate in her "big girl" apartment.

As I was buying the dispenser and the pounds of jelly beans it took to fill it, I glanced behind the register and saw this beauty. It had a different autumn garland draped on it at the time and I thought it was just a part of their autumn decor but, I could not take my eyes off of it. It asked about it and was told it was for sale but when I heard the ridiculous price, I put the brakes on...and I left with just what I had come for. They were asking way too much...even I wouldn't fall for that.

But, I couldn't stop thinking about that rusty beauty. And, apparently, I talked about it enough that one day my husband came in and told me to close my eyes...and when I opened them, there it was! He had gone and gotten it for me because he knew it would make me happy even though his usual response when I came home with old, beat up things was often "how much did they pay you to take that off of their hands?"...Lol

To this day, I don't know what about rusty, chippy things speaks to me but, speak they do. This piece somehow got "lost" in the shuffle one year and hadn't been seen for a time. I was so excited when I happened upon it again last year. I really should just leave it out all year long and dress it up for whatever the occasion! 

And, look at that sampler I stitched in least I think that's what my old eyes see. Any wonder why I'm not doing these things any more? Lol

I love it when the beautiful autumn photo taken by a good friend and gifted to me by daughter #1 can come out again and I also love the cross stitch that I did for my mom many years ago that came back to me when she passed away.

So that is the kitchen for this year. I'm still hoping to get out and make another pallet sign but, that will necessitate pulling my car out of the garage to bring out my miter saw and, honestly, I have so many large trees that are still occasionally swaying and dropping branches so I'm kind of afraid to have my car under them. That might just have to wait until tomorrow. In any case, you'll be the first to know. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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