decorating with dodi

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Sunday, February 11, 2024

Hippity Hop

 If you're ready, we will head back to re-address a post from a few days ago when I had to stop a bunny project I was working on and didn't have everything I needed. I made another run to HL and I am ready for "take 2".

But, before we go there, let me fill you in on my weekend so far and show you the beautiful surroundings I am working in. Yes, I am still at home but, when my brother and sister-in-law arrived on Friday afternoon, they came bearing gifts-for no reason at all! They know how much I adore spring flowers so they brought me bouquets of irises, daffodils and pussy willow that I added to my tulips and then they took me out to dinner and brought my favorite flavor (raspberry) Valentine's Day cookies for dessert. What a lovely, unexpected day. This is how the flowers are during the day as I'm moving about but, in the evenings when I head to the family room, those daffodils and irises come with me. This is one regret I have about my life in Florida-I can't grow most of those beautiful spring bulb flowers!


 They also helped me check everything off of my "list" that I keep running for them. They are so much more knowledgeable about technology so anything I get stumped on, I wait for them to come help "dig me out" and, they also provide those extra hands on things that I can do but just not alone.

Saturday morning saw us up and out early and we were greeted by the MOST beautiful day. My brother ran a race at Silver Springs State Park and my sister-in-law and I enjoyed cheering him on and all of the nature around us.

It was a wonderful two days and I'm always sorry to see them leave-sure wish we lived in the same city.

So now, back to the bunny. I sort of had an idea but not really anything definitive. I knew I wanted some spring floral paper and had planned to buy just a few sheets but when I saw this Paper Studio book full of one sheet prettier than the next-and on sale this week-I had to get it. I'm pretty sure it will supply me Easter and spring paper for many years to come.

 I chose a print with a dark background and as little yellow as I could. And then, this was really simple-almost so simple that I'm kind of embarrassed to share but I know you were all on the edge of your seats waiting to see how I finished the $Tree bunny. Lol

I traced the bunny onto the paper, cut it out and ModPodged it on.

Because this paper is so heavy, it stuck perfectly and I didn't even go back over it with another coat of ModPodge to seal. I used my little Gator sander to knock off some off the edges of the paper and then, of course, I came back and distressed the sides of the wood bunny and the edges of the paper.

Lastly came the embellishing. I played around with adding some ribbons swirls but decided that since the other Easter things I have done have ribbon, I would just go with florals on this guy.

I don't even have my St. Pat's out yet and I can't believe how many Easter things I have completed. I really hope I don't get any other ideas because I don't have a clue where these will all end up. And, as I was taking this picture, I realized that three of these things are pretty tall and won't fit in many shelves that I have...might be a problem. Lol I bought the Easter bottle brush trees when I saw them because I thought I had an idea on how to use them but, if I did, I don't any more. I'll probably just add them to some vignette.

I'm off for some lunch and then to do a few odds and ends before the new week arrives. I have a "window guy" coming tomorrow to fix a spring that sprung in my front window and then the rest of the week will see me outside beginning to rake the million leaves that have already fallen and that the lawn guy seems to just blow into the gardens and against the fence. Then, as soon as I have celebrated Valentine's Day, the red will be gone and the green will come out. Guess I've got a busy week ahead of me but I'll be back to share. Stay safe and stay tuned.



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