decorating with dodi

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Friday, February 2, 2024

Channeling My Goldilocks

 So, I'm at it again and feeling just like Goldilocks-this one is too small, this one is too big and this one is JUST right!

Might I just say that I am IN LOVE with this face. I wasn't sure which size I would use so I printed all three. In the end, I am going with the middle one. I thought I would want the whole bunny-hence the smallest option- but, there was a bit too much empty space if I went that route and I just want that sweet face to be as large as possible without losing the details that tell you it's a bunny-like his ears-hence why the largest lost. Lol I am definitely saving the other two and I will find something to do with them!

Was there ever a doubt that the Easter "faux tile" craft would be coming? I will say that I had not planned on doing this today. My goal had been to get to $Tree or HL to see if I could find a thin wood egg shape but, this is day #13 that I have been at home. I haven't left my house in almost 2 weeks. I think I am feeling better. Most of my cold symptoms are gone but I just haven't felt like getting dressed and heading out in our chilly weather and so...this wasn't supposed to happen. But then I decided that I wanted to craft and I knew I had a piece of foam board that I could cut into the shape I needed and that was all it took. I do live by the old "where there's a will, there's a way" adage. You wouldn't believe what things I have gotten myself into thinking this way but, I digress. My husband could have filled a book with our adventures that almost always included him agreeing to my hair brained schemes just because he wanted to keep me happy. LOL

I cut a pattern to what I thought resembled an egg shape keeping it as large as I could to utilize as much of the tile as I could.

I had to mix my own paint. I wanted a soft green but the only lighter greens I had were the "yellowy" greens so, a bit of the green chalk paint mixed into the white and I was good to go. I did have to use two coats this time which is pretty unusual for chalk paint but I did have to add some water to my white to get it more spreadable so that might be why.

While that was drying, I cut the foam shape.

 I will say that cutting foam board is "iffy". If the edges of your project are going to show, you are definitely better cutting your whole shape without ever lifting your knife. I have found that that is almost impossible on a large project and every time you even slightly move the blade, you're likely to get an uneven spot on your edge. I did OK but thought that maybe I could lightly sand the few areas I wasn't happy with. I am going to say that that is probably not a great idea because the inside of the board is made of compressed styrofoam beads and if you "pull" against them rather than cutting through them, you are likely to have some of the inside come out and you are left with a gap. If it is something you simply can't live with, you can always add a border-in this case, maybe a braid-but that is not my favorite so I am reserving judgement until I am finished.

I gave the edges of the egg a good coat of paint and a second coat on the tile and left them to dry.

While that was happening, I played around with the candle holder I was going to use-another from my stash that I just had to repaint-and the ribbons and florals. I wanted the flowers to kind of resemble the flower crown the bunny is wearing. Once again, I'm lucky that I'm a hoarder saver because I had just what I wanted in my stash.

Next I did my distressing with Waverly antique wax and Tim Holtz Distress inks and then ModPodged the bunny to the backing and glued the two pieces together. And I wasn't happy with how the edges looked. I first thought of gluing on a narrow ribbon either in the color of the distressing or the bunny background of white but honestly, that still didn't cover what I didn't like. I knew it had to be a braid and since I didn't have any of the correct color, I almost made a trip to HL. But, HL and I have a love/hate relationship and I have a hard time paying full price for anything in that store and, of course, ribbons and braids weren't on sale this week.

But, I did have a very metallic braid just about the right thickness and I thought it might work perfectly. I experimented with painting it the same color as the egg and it looked like it might work.

I glued it on and actually wasn't sure I would even want to paint it-the gold looked pretty nice. But then, in the end, I decided I wanted to stay with the cooler colors and gold reads warmer to me, so I painted the braiding.

Then it was a simple matter of just touching up the distressing along the edges and putting it all together. I affixed the egg to the candle holder the same way I did the heart-a little floral foam in the hole of the holder and 2 small dowel pieces glued on the bottom back of the egg and inserted into the foam. After that, she just got gussied up with the ribbons and flowers and I really like how she turned out. I'm not at all sure where she will "live" once I decorate for Easter because she is pretty large, but I know I'll find her just the right place-she's just so pretty.

And, before I go, an update on my other bunny. She now looks like this.

I tweaked this a bit because after posting it on a craft blog that I belong to, several people made what I thought were good suggestions and I actually do like it a lot better now. And, it is almost famous! For some reason, it has already received 945 "likes" or "hearts" and has so many comments that I can't even begin to count them...who'da thunk?

And so, it is afternoon of the most beautiful day! It's a bit too late for me to start work in my garden so I am going to putter away the rest of Friday and just take it easy today. The yard will be there tomorrow. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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