decorating with dodi

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Thursday, February 8, 2024

Best Laid Plans

 When last I posted, I was off to a lacrosse scrimmage game for grand daughter #5. And then, we were entertained with with another game where mothers and fathers of the girls took to the field for another game. It was supposed to be men vs women but it was definitely weighted for the women when they put some obvious ringers onto their team. The poor dads were like the "bad news bears" and I don't think my daughter and I-along with the rest of the crowd-have ever laughed so much! My son-in-law went in as goalie. He was definitely not ready as he came wearing his good pants, a nice shirt, pullover sweater and loafers. It didn't take long for us to realize that he REALLY would have benefited from some cleats. Every time he made a quick move he slipped and slid and actually hit the ground a few times...but then, so did many others on that team. Lol They almost never got their sticks on the ball and when they did, they were usually floundering and sending it high into the air. It was hilarious and a good time was had by all-well, at least those of us who weren't on the field. In the end, everyone was able to walk off the field with no injuries but I'm guessing some of those dads may be feeling it a bit today.

In any case, I had planned to get some pictures after both games with Presley and her dad but, first of all, by the time the games were over, it was cold and secondly, there were so many people coming up and talking with them afterwards that I figured I would wait until the "real" season and she was in uniform...there will be lots of opportunities for photos to come.

I did kind of snap one of my son-in-law just as he took his position and a far away shot of Presley and her scrimmage teammates.

It was a late night-at least for me- so it was home to grab a quick bite and off to bed.

This morning I woke up looking forward to making my new candle...until I remembered that I might not have any wicks left. And, I was correct so I will now need another trip to HL before I can finish this project.

But, that was OK because I figured I could go on to the bunny. My plans had been to just cover him with more of the faux tiles and add flowers around the neck. But then I decided that I really didn't want to do another tile project and I pivoted to finding some pretty floral paper...which, I remembered that I don't have either. And so, all I could really do today was get it prepped by removing the bow, "wood word", pompom tail and hanger. Usually, these things on anything from the $Tree pull off very easily...not this time. Occasionally there will be something that you might have to use the heat gun for and then it will pull off easily...not this time! I don't know if this is because the bunny is one of their "upper end" products at $3 instead of $1.25 (LOL) or not but whatever glue they used to hold said items was STRONG and the hanger was actually embedded into the wood with two of the strongest staples I have ever seen. But, I persevered and got it done. And that's as far as I will get today except to write another list for my return trip to HL tomorrow before I hit the grocery store.

I decided to play around with the flowers a bit to see what I might like until I realized that until I know what paper I find I have no clue what flowers I might need. And so, once again, I'm at a standstill. We'll see what tomorrow brings.


 To Be Continued..... 

We interrupt this craft to bring you an entirely different one. Lol And this one I could do before my trip to HL...almost.

As very often happens with me, I had my plans all figured out and was finishing my second cup of coffee before getting ready to head out to run my errands and get what I needed to finish this bunny. As I was sipping my coffee, I was scrolling craft blogs and happened upon one new to me. I looked at a few of her things and I knew right away that I would find some fun ideas on her blog. The first I saw was a "running" bunny made out of cardboard. Now let me just say that I am usually not a cardboard craft kind of girl but, something about this bunny talked to me...and, I actually had most of what I needed to get started-almost.

The only corrugated cardboard that I had was from my Christmas tree box but I don't think it will miss a flap-more about that cardboard later. The blogger used joint compound-which I did not have but, I had spackling paste and I figured they are pretty close. And so, I started this project before I ever left the house this morning.

The blogger provided a copy of her pattern so I just printed it and got going. It traced the pattern onto the cardboard and started cutting.

 If you notice on that picture, I had the corrugation running the correct way. Somehow I turned the pattern before I cut it out so it no longer runs the correct way-or, at least the way I would have preferred. I guess there really isn't a right or wrong way but I think the longer way might have looked better. I actually thought about doing a second one but, since I didn't discover my mistake until I had finished cutting it out and the cutting is truly the hardest part of this project, I decided to go with what I had.

I initially started cutting the bunny the way I cut foam board-down on a cutting mat and using an Exacto knife. But, my cardboard was VERY strong and that was wearing me out so I discovered that if I lifted the cardboard, pierced it with the knife and kind of sawed, it went so much quicker and through the whole thing with one cut.

Then I covered the back with a thin coat of the spackle.

When that was dry, I flipped it and gave it a light spray with water and peeled off some of the top layer. This is when I again realized how strong my cardboard was as usually when trying this step, pulling any of the top layer off is a struggle but in this case, I had to be very careful or the entire top layer would have come off in one piece.

Next came a thin layer of a caramel paint mixed with the spackle and, after that was dry, a layer of truffle paint mixed with the spackle-I forgot to get a picture of that.

The top layer is an off white mixed with the spackle and scrapped on so that there is some of each of the other colors still visible as well as some of your corrugation.

 Lastly was some distress ink around the edges and across the bunny to hit the high spots of the dried spackle.

I ended up finishing it nothing like my original idea which was in an old copper pot with Spanish moss-not my favorite but close to my inspiration. I think it was a happy accident that I thought the proportions of the pot to the bunny weren't right and I just grabbed a flower pot I already had out of desperation. And then I decided to stick in the greenery that I bought the other day.

The bunny got glued to a dowel and, when I returned from my errands I had bought some ribbon that I thought might look cute as a bow and then I added one of the small roses I also bought the other day. And, I think I'm done...maybe. I am going to try adding some flowers to the greenery and we shall see. But, this is where we are right now...and the wood bunny will just have to wait because my brother and sister-in-law are coming for a few days and I'll be having fun with them. Looks like I know what I'll be doing next week. 

Stay safe and stay tuned.

What do you think? Flowers or no flowers-that is the question!


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