decorating with dodi

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Friday, August 2, 2019

Where You Lead, I Will Follow

Fair warning...I am probably going to be all over the place today. I went to bed last night thinking I would head out on a few errands today-most notably to Kohls. I have yet another 30% off coupon to use on top of the sale already going on plus no tax weekend and, I just got another $10 off reward. I know I probably only get those from spending a lot of money-and, Kohls is definitely not my favorite place to shop, but several times a year I do find lots of goodies either in their seasonal, bedding or "Chaps" section and, I figure, if I am buying things I would "need" any way, I might as well jump on these savings.

All that being said, I woke up this morning and just wasn't in the mood to head out. The sky is ugly and rain is predicted for pretty much the whole day. And so, now what to do to keep myself out of trouble?

I took some guidance from the theme song of one of my all time favorite shows (The Gilmore Girls) and decided to see where the day took me and I be agreed to "follow".

It's fun to see where inspiration will strike. I was sitting at my desktop looking over some blogs that I follow when I happened upon one featuring a home that has many similarities to my style.

I actually just asked myself the other day how my style would be described and I had a hard time coming up with the definitive answer. I would say pretty much "me" style. I will admit to liking farm house casual with bits of traditional comfort and shabby chic thrown in but mostly, I decorate with what I like. I really don't follow a lot of rules or trends-much to my decorator daughters' dismay. I use what I love and what I think will work for the people that I love who are after all, the ones who will be in these spaces.

So I guess all of that leads me to here. I went into the garage to get something and realized that I should re-spray my garage door workings with the silicone lubricant I had found and saved myself a bundle of money-but that story is for another day. While I was doing that, I realized that two very large, very important screws had pulled out of the door and the third was missing all together.

That lead me to a bit of a Mac Gyver project-lots of jerry rigging, taking apart and praying it all would go back together but, in the end, success.

It was so hot in the garage that I needed a break so I headed to Bloglovin once again. That is where I found the post. And, as I was perusing I was also once again doubting my placement of the shelf over the day bed in my newly renovated office.

I told myself I was keeping it high because I didn't want the kids knocking into it and having it fall on them when the inevitable rough housing happens...and happen it will. My office has really been the kids' dorm for the last 20 odd years and they all feel comfortable in it. As long as they are respectful, I am OK with them enjoying it and feeling as if it if their own.

But, that shelf just looked too high...and then I saw almost the same scenario staring back at me from my monitor...and it was lower.

And so I was lead to other rooms of my house to find a solution. I love shopping my house. It is almost always a win/win for the room I am stealing it from and the room into which it is going. In this case, it left daughter #1's old room. And, since the thing balancing that particular wall had been "borrowed" long ago, this mirror was just hanging there looking like the lost soul.

So here is where I was lead at first. I debated hanging the print under the shelf and the mirror over the chest but, I think I like the addition of the round mirror under a sea of straight edges. Also, I use that print during the year so with it just leaned against the wall, I can borrow it back whenever necessary.

In this picture you can see that I pinned up the hem of the valance. I like it better but still haven't committed to the rod height. And, I took down some tchotchkes so things are a bit "cleaner" looking. I am debating taking down the cork board wall by my computer but I look at those sweet faces on there so often, that I haven't quite been lead that far just yet.

I was still pretty exhausted from my garage adventure so I went back to the blog and realized that in almost every shelf vignette, the owner had used a round clock to break up the straight lines as well. And the I remembered that I had a sweet, little clock that I had purchased years ago from Ballard Design just sitting on my writing desk out in the sunroom. Some day I will need to find a way to incorporate that desk somewhere more prominent in my home as it has quite a story but for now, it sits at the end of the room and I pretty much only sit there when I'm addressing envelopes for mailing. This clock is really too sweet to be relegated to such a minor position, so out it came. And, the flourish of flowers on the face of the clock kind of mimic the flowers on the canvas print over the chest...serendipity!!

I know, that is a long, wordy post for not much "meaty" content but I think it's fun to see how my brain is working these days and how I end up filling my days when there really isn't much to do! I did get outside for several hours the other day-between rain drops-but our temperatures are still rough and once the sun catches up to the area of the yard where I am working, it is time to call it a day.

And so, that is where I have been lead so far today. There are still some hours left, so you never know. Stay tuned.

Oh, and yes, I know I still have the protective edges left on my sign. Just keeping my options open in case I might be lead to another idea!

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