decorating with dodi

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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

I'm Still Here!

 I guess after receiving the Halloween gifts that I have and then beginning to do some Halloween crafting, my mind is starting to go to my next decor swap-and, of course, that will be Halloween. I usually get started on that swap out near the beginning of the third week in September. I am always so sad to say good-bye to the autumn decor but, I do love Halloween. In fact, I think I have more Halloween decor than any any holiday or season. Even though I can keep most of the orange candles, the rest of this swap out is pretty large and probably takes me longer than any other.

And so, my mind has started to think about this year. Most of the decor that I am using now has been around for a long time. I have gone through lots of different vignettes over the years but the ones that I have held on to are my favorites and even though I would like to change up some things, I really don't want to get rid of any of the things that I am using now. And so, the only real way to have any kind of change is to move some things around or change things up a bit in the vignettes that I already have.

As I was perusing some older pictures I remembered a chandelier that I used to hang in the living room. I stopped using it a few years ago in one of my efforts to simplify but, I never actually took the hook out of the LR ceiling. It is actually kind of embarrassing to admit but, it is in there with a toggle bolt and I was just never completely sure that I wouldn't want to use it again. Every now and then someone will ask why I have a hook in my LR ceiling-gulp. Lol

So, while I was perusing, I looked back at past Halloweens to see when the chandelier first appeared. I remembered that I had some of my grand daughters make it for me on one of our "Halloween at Nana and Papa's" weekends but I truly never remembered that it was way back in 2011!

I just stripped an old chandelier of everything electrical and then had the girls rip lots and lots of strands of cheese cloth and tie it on the arms of the light. Then I put in white candles and the obligatory ravens and hung it over the coffee table. And actually, this is how I displayed it for many years until I decided a change was in order and left it out.

And so, I started thinking about it again but thinking maybe I would do it a bit differently...and so, off to Pinterest I went and happened upon this.

I think I like the use of the "creepy cloth" draped over the arms of the light more than the way we had them originally tied on. And so, very soon I will be climbing up to the garage rafters to see if I can pull that old neglected chandelier out of the cobwebs and get it back into fighting shape.

So, that got me thinking about the "creepy cloth". A lot of bloggers are using the stuff for crafts and have been saying that it is hard to find this year. I have a fair amount but I use it in other places so I decided it was time to hit some spots and see what I could find. And that led to this.

I found the creepy cloth and went ahead and bought enough for the chandelier with some to spare just in case. And then I started to pick up some Halloween goodies to make the "remaining two" grands each a goodie bag. I have a ways to go but was excited when I found a few things that are a little different than the norm for starters. No one trick-or-treats any more but we will probably have a little gathering and then take the golf cart out to see all of the fun!

Along the Halloween lines, I picked up a little bit of crocheted black lace. I am thinking of "zhuzhing" up the witch shoes I made a few years ago and thought a pretty lace cuff might just do the trick. And, I also grabbed the plates and napkins when I saw them. I really don't need any more but for whatever reason, I love this pattern-maybe it's the raven on there.

And while I was out-and HL actually has all of their Christmas on a better sale than their autumn-I grabbed some pine and lamb's ear picks for the stocking I made a bit ago. I'm thinking once I get all of my Christmas out, I will probably add a gingerbread man and a candy cane that I made in the past and call it a day. I didn't want to buy anything else as I definitely have more than enough Christmas decor already so we shall see.

And, I found some wood blanks and crystals that may be giving me the start on this year's ornament-and, some others for a birthday surprise that I'm working on for my brother. And, I grabbed the small poinsettias just in case. 

I know it looks like I was a bit all over the place with my purchases but, if I'm going to get things done in time for me to have time to enjoy the different holidays, I have to get going. And, since we are still really having the "dog days of summer", I am more than happy to have some projects to get to work on-indoors! And, honestly, if I hadn't grabbed this stuff, the last thing to-do on my to-do list is paint the sunroom ceiling-and I will find any excuse I can to push that back another day-or week-or so! Lol

So that's where I am right now. I had a fun weekend last week. I spent it with daughter #3 and her family. We got to watch grandson #1 play at his first home game at the US Coast Guard Academy. It was so exciting to see him put in and they took a huge win-93-24-so that didn't hurt the excitement. It was an Academy record so he was thrilled to be a part of that...and we got to share in his excitement when he called right after the game. Then, we got to painting grand daughter #5's bedroom. She wanted her room redone as a birthday present so we got started with the part we dislike the most. Hopefully all of the embellishments will get delivered this week and I will get to see the finished project when I head over again on this Friday. It is her high school's homecoming and she has been selected as the freshman princess so I am excited for that as well. And, it will be fun to be back in some Friday night light even if neither of my grandsons will be on the field. You know I will have lots of pictures to share so I will be back for that. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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