decorating with dodi

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Saturday, August 12, 2023


Can't you just feel the change in the air? Uh, maybe not but autumn has arrived at my house. I would like to say that I have turned down the thermostat to help with the charade-as I used to do quite often-but, alas, with the cost of power these days that isn't happening any more either! And so, I can dream!

I usually start with the patio but I haven't found any mums to put in the seasonal urns just yet-I guess just more proof that I am really jumping the gun this year-so we will come back to that later. Everything else is out there and it really doesn't look that bad with the yellow buttercups still there but we'll hold out for the real thing. Lol

I love this little sign that I personalized and added to the large pumpkin that I found at HL a few years ago.


This autumn bucket usually hangs by the door to the pool but, because I decorated so early, that hook is still being used for my beach towels...and so, here it will be for awhile.

I moved the wreath over to this mirror this year because there was just too much going on when it was in the entry. I think I like it here.

I still love my grungy pumpkin made from the $Tree faux ceiling tile.

As I was doing this swap out, I wasn't sure my new "method" was actually working. The swap from sunflowers to autumn leaves and pumpkins is a pretty big one and, much to my surprise-even though I thought I might die in the process-I did manage to get the entire swap out done and EVERYTHING else stored away in their proper places in less than two days. So I guess the bit of pre-prep that I did paid off. I'll have to test it again for the next swap which is always my biggest as we go to Halloween! I might be on to something.

I will say that we have had heat indexes as high as 111 degrees this week so doing almost anything is unbearable. I think I have been in my pool more the last few weeks than I have been the last few years! I've kind of gotten used to heading out there every afternoon when the sun begins to go behind the trees a bit. The bonus is that I am also getting in a lot more reading because, even in the pool, it's almost too hot to do much more than float and read!

Yesterday was a BIG day for our family. Grandson #1-who is at the US Coast Guard Academy-finished his Swab Summer training and lived to tell of it. These kids have spent the summer doing lots and lots and LOTS of training in team work, strength and endurance. It has been rough and yesterday, for their final test, they were awakened at 3:30 a.m. and set off for a full day of challenges. At the end they got to hear the words they have been waiting for for 7 weeks-"Swab Summer is Secure"!!! They are done and on Tuesday will officially become cadets and get to begin their college experience. I had no doubt Har would do all of this with the same perseverance he has always showed in all of his challenges but this was a tough one for Nana to watch and worry about. But, now he is done, football practice has started and classes will begin soon! We all miss his huge personality so much but he is in for the most incredible future. I can't wait to see where life takes him!

This one was taken from the top of the mast on the Eagle as the swabs climbed up and down that massive thing many times during their trip. "Be still my heart"!

I guess that extra little shout gave him the strength to finish carrying that telephone pole around campus-which was just one of their challenges. Yikes!

In any case, things are beginning to get back to routine around here. The only two grands that I still have in school have had their first day this week and things seem to be going well and both are happy...which always makes for a better start to the school year. Lol

I'm not sure where this weekend will take me. We have a very slight chance of some rain and I actually have my fingers crossed that it happens because everything seems to be frying right before my eyes. If not, I guess I'll be out there doing some extra watering before floating the day away. Lol Stay safe and stay tuned.

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