decorating with dodi

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Monday, May 22, 2023

Kind of Still Spinning

 You'll have to bear with me for a bit longer...another family post. I'll be back to crafting and decorating soon but right now it is all about FAMILY!

Last week was FULL of all kinds of ceremonies for both my grandson-who is graduating from high school-and my grand daughter-who is graduating from middle school. Today will be all about Harrison and I will post Presley's after her graduation tomorrow night.

On Thursday morning I was honored to be invited to Harrison's Rose and Candle ceremony. The seniors are all presented a yellow rose by their siblings-if they have a sibling at TC-and then they move from their seats in the front, light the incoming senior class candles and take a seat in the back. It is a pretty emotional ceremony after their 4 years at the school and was even more so for us as my grandson, as student body president, gave the speech. I know you're probably getting tired of hearing this, but he did so well. There wasn't a dry eye in the place.

This boy loves that mike!

Friday afternoon we had a beautiful baccalaureate mass. Didn't get a lot of pictures but, even though my eyes are closed, I love this one.

Saturday dawned with not a cloud in the sky! And, even though it got pretty hot, we all made it through. The whole family made it to town with the exception of daughter #2 and her hubby who were at a business conference in Portland, Oregon.

Harrison with the president of TC and the principal of TC

After we all cooled off for a bit, we were headed downtown to help set up for his party...and what a fun time it was! It was held at The Corkscrew downtown and was "catered" by his favorite spots in Ocala
-WaWa, Brooklyns and Latino & Mas! Lol

Everyone took a few minutes to check out the video of Har's first 18 years of life that his brother made for, the memories!

This is Har's gift table that also housed a calendar and lots of stamped, self addressed note cards so guests could sign up to send Har notes during his first year of being so far from home.

All of the centerpieces were decorated with pictures of Har as he was growing up.

There was a photo station set up for guests to take Polaroid pictures.

Since Presley will be "graduating" this week, we gave a nod to her as cookies and in props.

I love that these 7 kids (cousins) are so close even though they've never lived in the same cities!

Luckily Nana has saved every school picture so we were able to do a photo gallery hanging above the food table-which, apparently, none of us captured on film. Lol Believe me, there was a LOT of food. I think my son-in-law brought half of what was left over to my house. I'll be eating WaWa for awhile! Lol

 It was a very good year!

I'm really not sure what he was doing in this picture but I like to think he was telling the world to watch out-he's coming!

So that is my reason for being MIA for awhile. We used my house as base for the weekend and, along with all of the family being here, we had 2 dogs, a mama cat and her 4 kittens. Needless to say, the house was bustling-just as I love it to be! Everyone is now safely back home and things are quiet. Tomorrow we celebrate Presley and I will be back with more pictures. Until then, stay safe and stay tuned.


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