decorating with dodi

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Monday, April 17, 2023

Welcome Spring

 I have all of my spring decor up but can't quite say that I have all of Easter packed up yet. In any case, why don't we start the tour before my week gets any busier. I did manage to get some spring colored flowers the other day and get them planted in the porch pots but, they still need a bit of time to fill in. Just about the time they're full and beautiful, I will be pulling them out to re-plant with red, white and blue but, these will find their way into the terraced garden out by the pool so it will all be good.

It's really hard to get a picture of this without flash-back but, the little nest inside of the cloche is almost perfectly replicated in the image I found, printed and mounted.

As I was going through these pictures, I realized that my spring decor throughout the whole house is pretty much green and white-just kind of gardeny-with highlights of purple and a few pops of pink and yellow where they were already in an arrangement or wreath that I already have. 

This was a pretty easy swap as lots of the Easter decor could stay-I pulled Easter bunnies and eggs and added back in birds, nests and lots and lots of garden decor and embellishments. I wouldn't be surprised that by next year I will have found a way to get rid of the pinks and yellows as well. Lol

And, what kind of crazy lady am I? That is a rhetorical question so my three girls don't all have to start chiming in-ha-ha! I was just kind of perusing my Pinterest page and happened on to 4th of July and 2 images I have pinned that I realized I could easily do because I already have everything I need.

I've had the red and navy blue books forever and I had the "spineless" book left over from when I was doing all of the book stacks. I don't know why I have never done this before but you will see it soon. I don't know if I will use the books as a riser or as they are in my pin but they will be there!!

And then for that cutting board. I picked it up in the WalMart craft section awhile ago. It is not food safe and has just been sitting here waiting for an idea. Then I saw that I had pinned this a long time ago:

I'm not sure it's large enough but, if not, I am going to grab a real board in HL Spring section for 40% off and do this. I think it will look nice in the kitchen. Crazy lady isn't even done with spring and my mind is already on the next decor!

You know what I am off to do. Even I can't live with the Easter stuff stacked up one more day. Lol Stay safe and stay tuned.

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