decorating with dodi

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Saturday, August 22, 2020

On to the Kitchen

Wish I could tell you all of the incredible things I have been up to but, alas, that would be stretching the truth..a lot. I have pretty much just been catching up on some necessary chores and looking for some new ideas. My grand sons start school earlier than my youngest grand daughter so she will be at my house for a few days and I am trying hard to come up with some back-to-school plans. With everyone's crazy schedule these days (mostly thanks to their sports responsibilities), our "normal" lunch or dinner is becoming almost impossible to plan-at least if we all want to be there to eat together. Lol I have decided to wait until Presley gets here and let her help me figure it all out.

And so, since that is on the back burner for today, let's head into the kitchen and see how autumn has arrived in there.

I always love unpacking all of my theme decor each month because, I so often forget the things that were new last year and it is like Christmas. This towel is one of those things. Daughter #3 gave it to me last year and I completely forgot about it until now...and, I love it!

And, I am almost giddy every year when I get to bring this beautiful Dutch oven out again. I love everything about this...perhaps the best part being that it is actually a Pioneer Woman pot. It wasn't totally inexpensive but it was nowhere near as expensive as its Le Cruset counterpart that I had drooled over for so many years. Believe me, I did a happy dance when I was able to track this down!

I'm also still totally in love with my autumn Fitz and Floyd pieces....

...and, of course, the tree pictures from my grand children. The "Eric Carle-esque" collage picture was done by grand daughter #2 and the one on the right was made with my three youngest grand children's fingerprints. What's not to love?

I also still love the photo taken by my long-time friend of her beautiful property at her new home in Tennessee. How lucky she is to see this gorgeous view every day during autumn!

So that is the kitchen for this year. Even though Mother Nature is not co-operating with me on the outside temperatures, inside it feels as if autumn has truly arrived and for that, I am grateful.

I'm heading off to do a little "MacGyver-ing". My ice maker has stopped producing ice. The internet says it could be a clogged water tube caused by, I am going to see just what I can do about that...if anything. I'll let you know how it goes. Until then, stay safe and stay tuned.

P.S. If this blog posts in two different font sizes, I am sorry. Blogger is wanting everyone to change their format to a new version that I'm not totally crazy about. They said it isn't mandatory but, all of a sudden, all sorts of little glitches that have never happened before are popping up on the old format. Could be some friendly persuasion? Hmmmm?

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