decorating with dodi

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Monday, August 24, 2020

Dog Days of Summer

If you frequent my blog, you know that I make no secret of the fact that I am not a fan of summer...and, since I live in Florida, that sometimes complicates my life. Now don't get me wrong...I love living in Florida and all of the wonderful things that come along with it...all the things EXCEPT the heat. Lol And, this is the time of year that I dislike it the most. Not only is it HOT but, we generally have a storm at some point every day.

Now, the rain is really keeping my lawn and gardens happy this year so that is a good thing. But, for whatever reason, I don't enjoy gardening as much when things are wet and muddy and the skies are gray...not to mention the heat! And so, I kind of let weeds and over-growing vines take over a bit too much. I'm guessing with all of the other things going on in the world that no one other than me really notices but, I do and it sometimes makes me crabby.

At those times, I head out and do a bit and then head back in to find something else to keep me busy so I am not feeling "useless". Today I was really scraping the bottom of the barrel. I saw some packages of burlap leaves that I had sitting here and set out on a quest to find some ways to use them. Not really any game changers but, by the time that I did it, photographed it and am now sitting here posting it, I have managed to busy myself for a least long enough that I feel like I have accomplished something and can go back to watching the entire "Parenthood" series without any feelings of guilt. Lol

I started with the mantel in the family room. I just slipped the stems over the wires of the lights and I like the way it looks during the day when they're usually off...

...and when the lights are on as well. This one is probably a keeper.

And then, I added two leaves to the book pumpkin and I like it as well. (Truth in posting...I have since added a third leaf and I love it even more!)

By the time I got into the dining room, I think I was just getting desperate to use up the leaves. I stuck the remaining ones into the dough bowl arrangement...but, I think this one is a no-go. Guess I'll have to keep looking for others ways to use those leaves.

As long as we're in the dining room, let me show you how things look without the new addition. This hand-me-down console table and winery sign still make my heart so happy. I had loved them forever in daughter #3's home. Lucky for me she is a decorator and changes up her decor frequently! She bought the sign when she was visiting the winery in Napa because our last name is "Ravn" and she thought the three ravens reminded her of herself and her two sisters...and it doesn't hurt that we like their wine. I loved this so much that I tried to order this poster online but, at least when I was trying, it was something only sold there at the vineyards. So, you can imagine the happy dance I did when she arrived one day with this in her trunk!

I'm glad that I happened upon some of my old stand-bys as I was bringing things in to decorate. Back in the day, when I decorated much more "country", I bought every crock, jug, etc. I came across. I have gotten rid of many of them over the years but I have also held onto some and this is the perfect time to bring them back out again.

I think the dough bowl looks so much better without the burlap a matter of fact, they're already gone!

I so love that baluster that daughter #1 bought me from a salvage yard. It seems to be able to find a way to fit into almost every theme of my decorating over the year. I especially love it when it can serve as a holder for a very large candle!

So that is all of the dining room for this year. I just love how the oranges play with the green tones on my walls. This is absolutely my favorite time of least IN my house where autumn prevails. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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