decorating with dodi

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Friday, August 28, 2020


So it's Friday and I don't have any large least ones that are exciting I tend to browse Pinterest, craft sites, etc. to see if I might come up with something. Yesterday I saw a vignette on a blog that I follow that had beautiful fresh mums, the tiny real pumpkins and a yellowed book stack. Since I haven't headed to buy the mums yet and I haven't seen any real pumpkins in Publix yet, the only part of that vignette I could actually accomplish right now was the books.

This stack is very similar to the one daughter #3 bought me at Ballard Design many years ago. You have seen it in almost all of my decorating but I put it away for autumn because it just read a little too "pastely" for this time of year. But, I still love it so much. Something about old books and old labels or printing always call my name.

And so, with nothing fun on today's calendar (except a happy hour at daughter #3's later today), I dove right in. And, as luck would have it, I still had some cover-less books left over from the stamped stacks I made earlier this year.

Of course, my book weren't as "yellowed" as I wanted because, let's be honest, they're really not that old. So, I watered down some antiquing wax and just kind of smeared it around. Each time it dried, I went back with plain water to "knock down" the color just a bit.

Then, I went to my very large file of printables. Honestly, my intent had been to keep this entirely neutral but, when I saw this antique perfume label, I just couldn't resist that beautiful soft orange color.

This has to be one of the easiest decor items ever but I just love how it turned out!

And this is where it has made its home. Now, if those mums and pumpkins would just get here, this vignette might be finished! Well, maybe?! Lol

Short post but I just wanted to pop in. Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe and stay tuned.

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