decorating with dodi

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Saturday, September 14, 2019

As If...

As if I need one more craft or decorating obsession! I'm not sure how it happened, but as I have been reading the decorating blogs that I follow, I have somehow gotten moved over to videos that some of these women post...and I somehow now have notifications when they are going "live" and somehow, one seems to lead me to another then another - well, you get the idea.

These videos are almost always seasonal or holiday themed so you know that is right up my alley. But, do I possibly need any more craft or decor items in my already craft and decor item crammed home...especially when my new word has been "simplify"?

I hear myself saying "no" yet somehow I can NOT drag myself away from these posts. I have fallen into the trap of now thinking of these women as my friends and I just have to hear what they have to say. It would be rude if I didn't.

I know that these ladies are making money on these sites but they also offer a lot for free and that is where I am right now. With all of the ideas floating around Pinterest, I don't think I would ever pay to be in a private craft group but I enjoy this more than just Pinterest because the personalities of the crafters come through and it is fun to not only see how they will use the item in their homes but also, many times, where they have purchased all of the materials they are using. It kind of makes the journey a bit easier if you don't have to hit every store in town looking for something on the list.

And so it is that I have now come to feel that I "need" to scoop up all of the wonderful things the Dollar Tree, Hobby Lobby, Dollar General, Target $ spot, etc. have to offer. These ladies don't get any compensation from these stores but I can tell you, they should. Once they have recommended something, if you are not out and about a few minutes later, it will be sold out.

And, they are taking the same tacky things that I have looked at and just walked by and turned them into something totally different that I would absolutely use in my home.

And so, knowing that a friend was coming over soon and we love to craft, I took it upon myself to head out and just scoop up what I could - even before knowing what we would be making. Of course, a lot of the things were indeed already gone but I grabbed enough that I think we will have a choice of a few things. If not, maybe we can run out again and see if things have been restocked or perhaps we can find reasonable facsimiles. Lol Here's what I have so far. Do you see that felt pumpkin under the pile? I NEVER would have bought it until I saw it being used as a stencil in so many projects. What a wonderful idea!

These are not the exact pumpkins I saw and I think I will go more in that direction but they are very similar and will give us options. These are both available from if you wanted to "save the middle man" (but in my opinion, the fun as well) and just purchase them.

Here is just one incredible idea for that pumpkin stencil. I also saw one where the shape was simply traced on to canvas with a Sharpie and then water colored in. I'm thinking I love the wood one so much that I might have to make a run to Lowes for some wood and give it a try pretty soon. It is just a matter of having the wood the color you want your pumpkin to be and then lightly spray painting over the stencil. Really is a no-brainer but I love it.

So that is where my thoughts are today. I have a few things to do before heading to our next football game but I will be back soon to let you know what I have decided. Stay tuned.

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