But, if you can remember back to when I was changing up the walls in my dining room, you might remember that this "window" came down. I was going to put it out in the garden but truthfully, I paid so much for this when I bought it that I wasn't quite sure that I was ready for the elements to work their magic on it. It was meant for indoor use so it wouldn't have lasted too long in our summer daily rain routine. So, it has been sitting by the side door to the pool waiting for me to make up my mind.
When I walked in to the family room with the white jar, I knew I needed something else white to balance the mantle and my eyes fell right on the window. I tried it out and I loved it but it was missing some "weight". They say every good design needs some black so I grabbed my favorite autumn sign from the end of the kitchen (of course this created another big void in that area but I'll show you what I did there in my next post).
Everything on this mantle I already owned yet it is all completely new to this vignette and contrary to my "traditional" self as far as themes and colors are concerned, I LOVE IT! It feels so serene at night when the little orange lights are aglow.
Any way, I know it does in my world. I like order - although if you saw my house while I am in the middle of a project, you would doubt that. But I am always striving to get to "that place" . I love the niceties in life. Maybe I was born in the wrong century but I want mt coffee out of bone china, my wine out of crystal, etc. I love the "rituals" of life. Guess my age is showing but in this stress filled world, I figure anything I can do to make things better, I am going to do. That being said, it is time to pour the wine in the crystal, light the candles and turn on the autumn lights. Today is slipping away but I will be back tomorrow. Stay tuned.
I like the mantel. I also agree with the reducing stress! We are trying to simplify our lives and enjoy what we have been given!