Just when I finally have a bit of time to myself, and hours upon hours of garden chores waiting, it is so hot outside, it literally takes your breath away. I have devised a routine where I go into the pool to get wet, hop out and do a few minutes of work and then right back into the pool. At this rate, I'm not getting as much done as I'm used to but I'm enjoying my pool and I am moving forward-even if it is at a snail's pace.
I really don't like the summer-especially the end. I am excited for the beginning of school and all of the fun stuff that brings even though I no longer have any school aged children. I get to help daughter #2 decorate her classroom, take grand daughters back-to-school shopping and even visit some of their classes and meet some of their teachers. And this year, I will have grand children in school right here. I will be able to attend all of their special days and pick them up for visits with Nana whenever I want! The first day of school always holds so much promise-everything new. A clean slate so to speak. Crisp new pencils, sharp pointed crayons, new composition books with crisp binders and the chance to make a fresh start. I love all that the new school year has to offer to my grand children.
And for me, back-to-school means starting over as well. A new decorating year. New seasons and holidays soon to follow. I am gearing up and looking forward to crafting, sewing, decorating and yes, even cooking and baking! See, I told you new years offered new hopes for everyone.
Stay with me as I get in gear for what promises to be a VERY busy holiday season-if my pins on Pinterest are any indicator of how much I want to accomplish. Of course, that means I have to get off of Pinterest long enough to accomplish something and that may be my dilemma! Today I am off to youngest grand daughter's 2nd birthday party but I will return and I will show you what I have up my sleeve. Stay tuned.
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