decorating with dodi

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Kissing Hands

After we had finished dinner, Harrison read the book "The Kissing Hand" to all of us. It is the story about Chester Raccoon not wanting to go back to school. His very wise mom shares a family secret with him to reassure him of her love for him even when they are not together and he is a bit frightened.

It is a very sweet book and since Harrison, Hudson and Presley are all going to new schools in a new town, I thought it might be a nice way to open up some dialogue without dwelling on anything too negative. Of course, nearly everyone fell off of their seats when Harrison read this book without any hesitation! I was not surprised as I have witnessed this very special little boy grasping the concept of reading for several years and have maintained all along that once the basic concepts really sank in, there would be NO STOPPING HIM!

This book can be a bit of a tear jerker as you begin to see where the story is leading. I found the cutest "Kissing Hands" keys on Pinterest and thought Harrison would enjoy making them for his mom. That way, it kind of turns the story around and reassures Mom that she can always have a "kiss", "hug" etc. to know that she is always loved as well.

The kids always love a project that involves smearing paint all over their hands! We made a print for each and then printed up what we wanted to "leave with mom" when we were away from her.

Then, Harrison took great joy in putting the pieces through my different Xyron machines-one to make stickers and one to laminate. Then it was a simple process to put them together and present to mom so that she can be carrying her family's love with her when they head back to school.

So here is Harrison so proud of himself giving Mom her "kissing hands" and then showing her how to use them when she is missing everyone on the first day of school. After a year of living out of town with the 3 kids and their very full schedules all on her shoulders and then a long summer in a new town, I'm not sure the "missing" will actually start today-but who knows, it could happen!

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