decorating with dodi

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Thursday, January 12, 2023

Oh Mother Nature!

Mother Nature, it's not nice to fool Floridians! I am always happy that I live in Florida. Just our few days of freezing temperatures reminds me that I don't function well when I'm cold. Yes, I'm happy to put on layers and get a chance to wear my sweaters and jackets but, if my feet and fingers are cold, I'm miserable! And so, as much as I complain about our hot weather as well, I am definitely more productive when I'm warmer than cozying up under a blanket and watching a movie when I'm cold.

And that is what happened today. It is absolutely gorgeous outside but gardening is out for me or I would be cutting things back way before I should. I knew I needed to get some deep cleaning done after having so many dogs visiting for so long...especially in the sunroom where the rough bricks and rough wood grab onto everything. I really had just planned to do a good vacuuming but then decided it was necessary to move the furniture to do that correctly and, before I knew it, I was living once again in "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie"!

I opened windows and decided that the grooves the windows slide on needed cleaning, and then so did the bricks and the floors and then even the windows. I think I started too late to get the whole room done today so I'm doing a half at a time and getting it done correctly. Of course, we are nowhere near spring so I am guessing I will be repeating this again when Mother Nature comes back to reality. Lol

I started by giving the plant stand and the plants a nice bath.

 Then it was on to the window channels and the floors.

And then comes the windows. I really need to address the outside of the windows as well but they are a bit more challenging out there as the ground is so much lower and necessitates climbing a lot higher on the ladder. If I can find the outdoor Windex again, I think I will go that route instead...that only requires a hose and terra firma. Lol

Before I went off on this tangent, I did a few quick crafts...definitely nothing to write home about as I really had no idea where I was going and just wanted to craft. Sometimes it works that way and then I have absolutely no place to put the new item. That is kind of what happened with these but I moved a few things and, until I come up with some place better, here they will stay. I will say that the table reminded me of the old days when all of the grand children would be here making Valentine cards and gifts and I would just put out everything I had and they would let their creativity run! I actually still have a lot of those masterpieces!

I put the canvas on the shelf in the kitchen actually replacing another canvas I did last year but I like that this one is taller and has a better pop with the red background.

And last year's canvas looks more at home with the flowers in this vignette. I do wish it was a bit taller and I might look for something to prop it up on later.

And, for whatever reason...maybe because I love numbers and letters in decor...I made this. It found a home in the family room on the shelves in the TV unit.

And so for anyone who was just dying to know, that is what I've been doing to keep myself busy these days. There is a lot more to get done in the cleaning arena so, if I'm not back for awhile, that's where I'll be! Stay safe and stay tuned.

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