decorating with dodi

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Thursday, December 3, 2020

Wow! What a Week!

Even though this Thanksgiving was definitely different than our usual family packed ones..and I had anticipated a fairly uneventful week...that is not how things played out.

On Tuesday, daughter #3, her three kids and her 2 dogs arrived at my house ready to work. Even though I didn't have a lot on the to-do list that I needed their help with, the branches that Eta left on my roof and in my gutters on the side of the house that is totally over hung with the world's largest oak tree did need some attention. And, even though this was a chore that I could have handled even just a few years ago, with my vision and spine issues these days, it is one chore I have given up...and for good reason! Even if I could still safely get up on the roof, I never worked as quickly as those two boys. They got the roof and gutters completely done in no time and then suggested that I let them put my Christmas icicle lights from up there as well. And, that also went so much more quickly then doing it from the ground and going up and down the ladder a million times. There is definitely something to be said about youth!

And, after we were done doing all of that...and, I should have gotten a picture but I forgot, we went inside where Presley and I-well, mostly Presley-made the "famous" Indian corn treats. 

So, that was Tuesday. Wednesday was supposed to be the delivery of my new range coming in from Inverness. I waited for the call all day but it never came. I figured with the holiday and the sales, they might just be busy, so I was good.

Then, Thursday brings Thanksgiving. Even though this would have been a year where our entire family could have been together, none of us felt really comfortable with such a large group so we all just celebrated with our own family in our own towns. Since I am around daughter #3 and her gang all of the time, I felt safe going over there for the day...and a wonderful day it was! So good in fact that this is the only picture I took.

Her table was beautiful, the food was delicious and the company could not have been more fun. We pretty much spent the day talking, eating and playing games....which is pretty much the same thing we always do except with less people this year. Lol

So next comes Friday. Once again I am waiting for the phone to ring. When it doesn't, I decide that I will head to Lowes on Saturday morning to talk with my friend/salesman. Of course, before that, we have Harrison's quarter final game. We were happy to have Becky, Todd and Morgan join us as well...and even happier when Trinity Catholic swept the game 48/0! We're on to a tough semi-final game this Friday night but before that, we basked in the great win!

So, early Saturday morning, I am off to see my friend at Lowes. To make a really long, sad story short, he didn't know about any of the issues until about 15 minutes before I arrived. He did a computer search and the range that was supposed to be coming the short 30 miles from Inverness was no where to be found. His guess was that someone in that store sold it before it got loaded to send. here. I was fine with that until he then tells me that it looks like it will be well into 2021 before another arrives. If I hadn't fallen so in love with this particular range, I would have just gone and picked another. But, luckily, it pays to have friends as your sales person. He sent me home and told me he would work something out and boy did he ever. I got a call that night and early Sunday morning this beauty arrived. He sent me the one from the store. It is in pristine condition but he says when  if the new one arrives, we will swap it out if I want.

Now, do you want to see the real reason I fell so hard for this range? I will say, the fact that it has a larger than usual top oven doesn't hurt because I use the smaller oven almost exclusively when its is just me. But, truthfully, it was those knobs...which remind me of a gas stove which I always wanted and was promised I would have when this house was built but then the city never brought gas into the neighborhood...but, I digress...and that color! It reminds me of stoves I see on TV. Never mind that I have no idea how the thing bakes, what other features it has, etc. It Is PRETTY and once I saw it, I knew I had to have it!

So, I think that catches you up on me-whether you wanted to be caught up or not. I have spent five days getting my Christmas out, Thanksgiving put away and the tree decorated. I just have a few little tweaks and I will be ready to share. I will be back soon with the big reveal. Stay safe and stay tuned.

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