decorating with dodi

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Friday, December 11, 2020

Moving Along!

Once again a week that looked like it was going to be pretty empty turned into a fun, busy time. I'm thinking I had better get a bit more of our tour posted before it is Christmas and there are no days left...time is moving so quickly! So, let's head into the kitchen.

I love that little wreath hanging on the cutting board. I grabbed it at the Target Dollar Spot when things were first coming out. There were a few others but they were pretty beaten up and missing greenery so I decided to wait and see if more came in. If they did, I wasn't there to see them and there are none left to be had. I'm not sure where I wanted to use them but for $3, they are pretty nice...maybe next year?

With Christmas cookie making in the near future, I just decided that I wanted a bit more of my counter freed up so I got rid of the basket that used to sit here that held seasonal dish towels and moved the soaps and sponges to that side of the sink. With just the towels on the other side, I have a deeper space for all of my baking needs. I also put the large flour and sugar canisters into the pantry. I am thinking about even putting my toaster away for awhile. The only time I use it is when the kids are here and I could easily get it back out. That would free up a lot of space on the counter as well...we shall see. One of the things I have always wanted to do was to make my two height bar drop down to one height so that the kids could all gather around for baking, cookies and even crafting. It is a pretty large project and would probably involve new counters so, I haven't jumped into it just yet.

So that is the kitchen for this year. I am heading back to something I just decided I "had" to do...I will share soon. Until then, stay safe and stay tuned.

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