Since I haven't been around much lately, I'm sure you think I have been super busy crafting and decorating. Unfortunately, that couldn't be further from the truth. Life has once again kept me on the run.
When I finally had a bit of time at home and no new projects really on the horizon simply because I just hadn't had time to get my thoughts together, I decided to see what I could do with my empty bottles. There are so many ideas floating around Pinterest, but I needed something that I could do with the supplies I already had at hand.
So, out came the bottles and a can of matte black spray paint with primer-thought the primer was a good idea because I know paint can peel off of shiny glass rather easily and thought this might solve that problem-so far, so good!
I had to really talk myself through this, but I kept the coats light. I really didn't want any drips and light coats of paint are really the only way to do this. I used this whole can of paint but got 3 light, even coats on 6 large bottles.
And, I must say, as I started on this project, I wasn't really sure where it was going. But I have a pretty clear idea right now.
Now the fun part will start. I am waiting for the hot glue gun to heat up and the finishing touches will start. Don't know how long I will have before the phone will ring and I will be off again so I want to get going. Promise to show you how they turn out next post. Stay tuned.
Love them! Do I get one???? I am sure it would look great in my home!